Blog / A Guide to Decoy Setups for Duck Hunting in Minnesota

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 07, 2023

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Duck hunting in Minnesota is a beloved tradition for many outdoor enthusiasts, offering a chance to connect with nature and experience the thrill of the hunt. However, a successful duck hunt often hinges on the effectiveness of your decoy setup. In this guide, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we will delve into the essentials of decoy setups for duck hunting in Minnesota.

Choosing the Right Decoys:

Before heading out into the Minnesota wetlands, it's crucial to select the right decoys for your hunt. Local knowledge is essential, as the types of ducks you'll encounter can vary throughout the state. Mallards, teal, wood ducks, and pintails are among the common species you may encounter in Minnesota. Ensure that your decoy spread includes decoys that mimic the species native to the area you'll be hunting.

Decoy Placement:

Proper decoy placement is the key to luring ducks into your shooting range. In Minnesota, ducks are often found in marshes, lakes, rivers, and other wetland areas. Position your decoys in a spread that resembles a natural landing zone for ducks. Most hunters use a J, U, or V-shaped pattern, with the wider part of the pattern facing into the wind. This arrangement not only looks realistic but also makes it easier for ducks to land safely.

Decoy Spacing:

Spacing between decoys is crucial for an authentic appearance. Ducks need space to land, so don't overcrowd your spread. Leave at least a few feet between each decoy to mimic the natural gaps ducks would find in the water.

Motion Decoys:

Adding motion decoys to your spread can increase its effectiveness. Products like spinning-wing decoys and water ripples can create ripples and movement on the water's surface, catching the attention of passing ducks. Be mindful not to overdo it, as too much motion can make ducks wary.


In Minnesota, duck hunting often involves waiting in blinds near the water. Ensure that you and your hunting partners are well-concealed to avoid spooking ducks. Natural vegetation, such as cattails and reeds, can be used to blend in with the surroundings. Also, consider using camouflaged clothing and face paint to remain hidden.

Wind Considerations:

Pay attention to wind direction when setting up your decoys. Ducks typically land into the wind, so position your decoys accordingly. This will encourage ducks to land closer to your location, giving you a better shot.


Successful duck hunting in Minnesota requires some pre-season scouting. Spend time observing duck behavior, feeding patterns, and preferred landing spots in the area you plan to hunt. This knowledge will help you choose the right decoy setup and location for your hunt.

Duck hunting in Minnesota is an exciting and rewarding experience, but success hinges on your decoy setup. Find A Hunt recommends choosing the right decoys, perfecting your placement, considering motion decoys, prioritizing concealment, accounting for wind direction, and conducting thorough scouting to maximize your chances of a successful hunt. With the right preparation and attention to detail, you'll be well on your way to a memorable duck hunting season in the beautiful state of Minnesota. Good luck, and happy hunting!