Blog / A Hunter's Guide to Weather: Predicting Animal Movement

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

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Hunting is a challenging and rewarding outdoor pursuit that requires not only skill but also a deep understanding of the natural world. One crucial factor that can greatly influence the success of a hunt is the weather. Knowing how to predict animal movement based on weather conditions can make the difference between a successful outing and a fruitless one. In this guide, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we will explore how weather affects animal behavior and offer tips for using this knowledge to your advantage.

Understanding the Impact of Weather


Cold Weather: In colder temperatures, many animals become more active as they search for food to maintain their energy levels. This can be a prime time for hunting, as animals may be on the move more frequently.

Hot Weather: On the other hand, extreme heat can make animals lethargic and seek shelter to avoid the scorching sun. Hunting during the hottest parts of the day may not be as productive.


Rain: Rain can reduce an animal's ability to detect your presence due to the noise it creates. Additionally, animals may come out to feed after the rain has stopped, making it a good time to hunt.

Snow: Fresh snow can make tracking animals easier, as their footprints are more visible. However, heavy snowfall can also make it harder for you to move quietly and may prompt animals to stay hidden.


Calm Winds: When the wind is calm, sound travels more effectively. It's essential to be extra stealthy during these conditions to avoid spooking your quarry.

Strong Winds: High winds can mask your movements and scent, making it a great time to stalk animals. However, be aware of how the wind can carry your scent towards your prey.

Barometric Pressure:

Falling Pressure: A decrease in barometric pressure often occurs before a storm. Many animals become more active and feed before the weather deteriorates, making this a prime time for hunting.

Rising Pressure: As pressure rises after a storm, animals may feel safer and venture out to feed. This can also be a good opportunity for hunters.

Using Weather Data

To maximize your success as a hunter, consider using weather forecasts and data to plan your outings. Many smartphone apps and websites provide detailed weather information for your hunting location. Pay attention to temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and barometric pressure trends for the most accurate predictions.

Weather plays a significant role in animal behavior, and understanding its influence can greatly improve your hunting success. As you embark on your hunting adventures, remember the tips provided in this guide from Find A Hunt. By paying close attention to temperature, precipitation, wind, and barometric pressure, you can increase your chances of predicting animal movement and bagging that elusive trophy. Happy hunting!