Blog / Alabama Squirrel Hunting: Cleaning and Cooking Squirrel Meat

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, July 27, 2023

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Title: Alabama Squirrel Hunting: Cleaning and Cooking Squirrel Meat


Welcome to Find A Hunt, your go-to authority website on all things hunting! In this article, we will delve into the exciting world of Alabama squirrel hunting and explore the essential steps of cleaning and cooking squirrel meat. Squirrel hunting is not only a challenging and rewarding sport but also a way to put delicious, sustainable, and healthy game meat on your table. So, let's gear up and get ready to enhance your hunting experience by learning how to prepare squirrel meat!

The Joy of Alabama Squirrel Hunting

Alabama offers excellent opportunities for squirrel hunting, with its diverse landscapes and abundant squirrel populations. The thrill of stalking these agile creatures amidst the picturesque woods is an adventure like no other. Before you embark on your hunting trip, ensure you have the appropriate licenses and permits as required by local regulations.

Choosing the Right Equipment

To make the most out of your squirrel hunting experience, it is crucial to have the right equipment. Opt for a small caliber rifle or a shotgun with appropriate ammunition. Remember, safety should always be your top priority, so practice responsible firearm handling.

Hunting Techniques

Squirrels are intelligent and nimble, making hunting them an engaging challenge. When hunting, be patient and observant. Look for signs of squirrel activity such as chewed nuts, scratch marks on tree trunks, or the sound of rustling leaves. Early mornings and late afternoons are usually the best times to spot them as they are most active during these periods.

Cleaning Squirrel Meat

Once you've had a successful hunt, it's time to clean and prepare the squirrel meat for consumption. Follow these steps:

a. Field Dressing: Start by removing the internal organs. Make a small incision around the tail and carefully cut towards the head. Remove the entrails, being cautious not to puncture any internal organs.

b. Skinning: Gently peel back the skin from the squirrel's body. You can use your fingers or a sharp knife to help with this process. Be patient and take care not to damage the meat.

c. Removing Scent Glands: Squirrels have scent glands near their armpits, which can leave the meat with an undesirable taste. Locate these glands and remove them carefully.

d. Rinse and Chill: Rinse the squirrel meat thoroughly under cold, running water to remove any excess blood and debris. Afterward, place the cleaned meat in a cooler or refrigerate it until you're ready to cook.

Cooking Squirrel Meat

Squirrel meat is a versatile ingredient that can be prepared in various delicious ways. Here are a few popular recipes:

a. Fried Squirrel: Coat the squirrel pieces with seasoned flour and fry them until golden brown for a classic Southern treat.

b. Squirrel Stew: Slow-cook squirrel meat with vegetables, herbs, and broth to make a hearty and flavorful stew.

c. Grilled Squirrel: Marinate the squirrel meat in your favorite sauce and grill it to perfection for a smoky taste.

d. Squirrel Dumplings: Use the meat to make savory dumplings for a delightful comfort food experience.


Alabama squirrel hunting offers an exhilarating and rewarding experience for hunters. As you enjoy the thrill of the hunt, remember that responsible hunting practices and safety should always be a priority. Once you have successfully bagged a squirrel, take the time to clean and prepare the meat properly. By following the steps outlined in this article, you'll not only have a delectable meal but also a deeper appreciation for the sustainable and ethical aspects of hunting.

Happy hunting and bon appétit!