Blog / Alaska's Remote Caribou: Float Plane Hunts in the Tundra

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, September 05, 2023

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Alaska's vast and untamed wilderness offers some of the most exhilarating hunting experiences on the planet. One of the most sought-after game species in this rugged terrain is the majestic caribou. Known for their impressive antlers and ability to thrive in harsh conditions, caribou hunting in Alaska is an adventure like no other. For avid hunters looking to embark on a unique and unforgettable journey, float plane hunts in the Alaskan tundra, organized by Find A Hunt, provide an extraordinary opportunity to connect with nature and test their skills in the remote wilderness.

The Allure of Caribou Hunting

Caribou are an integral part of Alaska's ecosystem, roaming freely across vast expanses of tundra, taiga, and mountains. Their nomadic lifestyle, driven by the search for food and shelter, presents a challenge to hunters, making caribou hunting a true test of skill and perseverance. The thrill of tracking these magnificent creatures through Alaska's diverse landscapes is matched only by the satisfaction of a successful hunt.

Remote Wilderness Access

Find A Hunt specializes in organizing float plane hunts, granting hunters access to some of the most remote and untouched corners of Alaska. Float planes provide a means to reach locations that are otherwise inaccessible by road, giving hunters a chance to immerse themselves in the heart of caribou territory. These aircraft land on lakes, rivers, and waterways, acting as a gateway to the untamed wilderness where caribou thrive.

The Float Plane Experience

The journey begins with the excitement of boarding a float plane, a rugged and versatile aircraft capable of landing on both water and land. As the plane takes off and soars over Alaska's breathtaking landscapes, hunters can already catch glimpses of the terrain they'll soon traverse. The aerial view offers a sense of the vastness and isolation that defines this remote hunting experience.

Upon landing, the real adventure begins. With knowledgeable guides from Find A Hunt leading the way, hunters set out on foot, traversing varying terrain in pursuit of caribou herds. The tundra presents challenges such as uneven ground and unpredictable weather, but the reward lies in the chance to track and engage with these resilient animals.

Conservation and Ethical Hunting

Find A Hunt is committed to ethical and sustainable hunting practices, adhering to strict guidelines to ensure the conservation of caribou populations and the preservation of Alaska's wilderness. By working closely with local wildlife management authorities, the company contributes to maintaining healthy caribou populations and preserving the natural balance of the ecosystem.


Alaska's remote caribou hunts via float plane with Find A Hunt offer a once-in-a-lifetime experience for those who seek adventure, challenge, and connection with nature. The combination of skilled guides, breathtaking landscapes, and the thrill of the hunt make for an unforgettable journey into the heart of the Alaskan wilderness. As hunters track caribou through the tundra and immerse themselves in the rhythm of the wild, they become a part of a tradition that spans generations and embodies the spirit of the untamed north.