Blog / Alaska's Sitka Blacktail: Island Hunting Tactics

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, September 05, 2023

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When it comes to hunting, Alaska's vast wilderness offers a diverse range of game species and unique challenges. One of the most exciting and sought-after experiences for hunters is pursuing the elusive Sitka blacktail deer. These deer inhabit the rugged landscapes of Alaska's islands, making them a challenging and rewarding target. In this article, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we delve into the island hunting tactics required to successfully pursue the Sitka blacktail in the remote wilderness of Alaska.

Understanding the Sitka Blacktail Deer

The Sitka blacktail deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) is a subspecies of mule deer that thrives in the temperate rainforests and coastal regions of Alaska's islands. These deer are known for their adaptability to a variety of environments, including dense forests, alpine meadows, and coastal grasslands. The combination of their habitat and their tendency to stay close to cover can make hunting them a unique challenge.

Island Hunting Challenges

Hunting Sitka blacktail deer on Alaska's islands presents hunters with a distinct set of challenges. The densely forested terrain, inclement weather, and limited access require a strategic approach. Additionally, the deer's keen senses, particularly their acute sense of smell and excellent hearing, demand a hunter's utmost stealth and precision.

Island Hunting Tactics

Scouting: Prior to embarking on your hunting trip, thorough scouting is essential. Use maps, GPS technology, and aerial imagery to identify potential hunting areas. Look for natural clearings, feeding grounds, and travel corridors. Also, consider wind direction and patterns to avoid having your scent give away your presence.

Stalking: Stalking is a vital technique for hunting Sitka blacktail deer. Move slowly and quietly, using natural cover such as trees and boulders to remain hidden. Take advantage of the deer's habit of seeking cover, and plan your approach to intercept them as they move from one area to another.

Calling: Sitka blacktail deer are responsive to calling, especially during the rut. Familiarize yourself with their vocalizations and use calls to mimic their sounds. Be patient, as it might take time for a curious or territorial buck to approach.

Ambush Points: Setting up ambush points near natural travel corridors can be highly effective. Find areas where deer are likely to pass through, such as well-used trails, and position yourself downwind to remain undetected.

Use of Scent Control: Given the Sitka blacktail's acute sense of smell, scent control is crucial. Use scent-blocking clothing, scent-masking sprays, and practice scentless hygiene routines before heading into the field.

Adapt to Weather: Alaska's weather can be unpredictable, so be prepared for rain, wind, and temperature fluctuations. Proper clothing and gear, including rainproof outer layers, will ensure your comfort and safety during extended hunts.


Hunting Sitka blacktail deer on Alaska's islands requires a deep understanding of their habitat, behavior, and island-specific challenges. As an adventurous hunter, immersing yourself in the island hunting tactics mentioned above will greatly increase your chances of a successful and rewarding hunting experience. Remember, patience, adaptability, and a respect for the wilderness are essential components of a memorable Sitka blacktail deer hunt. For those seeking an unforgettable adventure, Find A Hunt is your partner in discovering the thrill of island hunting in Alaska.