Blog / An Introduction to Turkey Call Sounds and Techniques

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, August 10, 2023

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An Introduction to Turkey Call Sounds and Techniques

Turkey hunting is a time-honored tradition that demands skill, patience, and an understanding of turkey call sounds and techniques. As you embark on your hunting journey, equipping yourself with the right knowledge can significantly enhance your chances of a successful and fulfilling hunt. In this article, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we will delve into the world of turkey call sounds and techniques, providing you with a solid foundation to build upon.

Understanding Turkey Calls

Turkey calls are the means by which hunters mimic the sounds turkeys make to communicate. These sounds can be broadly categorized into four main types:

Clucks: Clucks are short, staccato notes that turkeys use to get each other's attention or express contentment. To make this call, create a series of quick, soft notes by saying the word cluck in a low tone, and gradually increasing the volume.

Purrs: Purrs are soft, rolling sounds turkeys use when they are calm and relaxed. To produce this call, mimic the gentle, continuous purring sound by rolling your tongue against the roof of your mouth.

Yelps: Yelps are versatile calls used by turkeys in various situations. They can signify excitement, contentment, or even alarm. Yelps consist of a series of higher-pitched notes followed by a lower-pitched note. Practice yelping by saying kee-kee-run or yelp-yelp in a rhythmic manner.

Cutting: Cutting sounds are made by rapidly interrupting the air with short, erratic notes. Turkeys often use this call when they are excited or agitated. To create the cutting sound, rapidly say kee-kee-kee or chirp-chirp-chirp.

Turkey Calling Techniques

Mastering turkey calling techniques is crucial for drawing these elusive birds within range. Here are a few techniques to consider:

Box Calls: Box calls are popular among beginners due to their ease of use and versatility. They consist of a box and a paddle. By dragging the paddle across the box's surface, you can create a range of turkey sounds. Experiment with different paddle angles and pressure to vary the tones.

Slate Calls: Slate calls, also known as pot calls, involve running a striker across a slate surface. These calls are highly effective for producing realistic clucks, purrs, and yelps. Adjust the pressure and speed of the striker to create different turkey sounds.

Diaphragm Calls: Diaphragm calls, or mouth calls, require practice but offer a hands-free option once mastered. Place the call on the roof of your mouth and control the sounds by altering the air pressure and tongue placement. Practice in front of a mirror to refine your technique.

Locator Calls: Locator calls, such as owl hoots or crow caws, are used to locate turkeys in the early morning. These calls provoke a response from gobblers, helping you pinpoint their locations.

The Importance of Realism

When using turkey calls, the key to success lies in authenticity. Turkeys are highly attuned to their environment, and any discrepancy in the calls may spook them. Therefore, practice diligently to replicate their sounds accurately.

Final Thoughts

As you embark on your turkey hunting adventure, mastering turkey call sounds and techniques from Find A Hunt will undoubtedly enhance your experience. Remember that patience and practice are your greatest allies. Each turkey is unique, so adapt your calls based on their responses. Happy hunting!