Blog / Antelope hunting in Wyoming: Best practices

By Connor Thomas
Friday, June 16, 2023

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Title: Antelope Hunting in Wyoming: Best Practices


Wyoming is a renowned destination for hunters seeking thrilling and rewarding experiences. Among the various game species available, antelope hunting stands out as a popular choice. The vast and diverse landscapes of Wyoming offer ample opportunities for hunters to pursue this graceful and elusive creature. In this article, we will discuss the best practices for antelope hunting in Wyoming, providing valuable insights to ensure a successful and ethical hunt. As passionate advocates for responsible hunting, Find A Hunt is dedicated to promoting sustainable practices in the hunting community.

Understanding Antelope Behavior:

Before embarking on your antelope hunting adventure, it is crucial to understand the behavior and habitat of these magnificent creatures. Antelopes are known for their keen senses of sight, smell, and hearing. They inhabit open grasslands, prairies, and sagebrush flats, often preferring areas with low vegetation for better visibility. Antelopes are highly alert and can spot movement from a considerable distance. It is essential to familiarize yourself with their patterns, feeding habits, and daily routines to increase your chances of a successful hunt.

Research and Scout the Hunting Area:

To maximize your chances of a successful antelope hunt, thorough research and scouting are vital. Utilize resources such as topographic maps, satellite imagery, and hunting forums to identify prime hunting areas. Look for public hunting grounds or secure permission from private landowners, ensuring you are familiar with the specific regulations and requirements for the chosen area. Scouting trips prior to the hunting season will allow you to locate watering holes, travel corridors, and bedding areas, increasing your chances of encountering antelope.

Selecting the Right Gear:

Having the appropriate gear can significantly enhance your hunting experience. Start with a reliable rifle or bow suited for antelope hunting, taking into account the recommended caliber or draw weight. A quality pair of binoculars is essential for spotting antelope from a distance. Additionally, camouflage clothing that matches the surrounding environment will help you blend in and remain undetected. Don't forget essential accessories such as a range finder, backpack, field dressing kit, and a comfortable pair of boots for traversing various terrains.

Mastering the Stalk:

Stalking antelope requires patience, stealth, and careful planning. Once you have spotted your target, study its behavior and movements from a safe distance. Antelopes are known to be curious, and using decoys or natural cover to create distractions can aid in getting closer. Move slowly, taking advantage of available terrain features and vegetation to conceal your approach. Remember to keep the wind in your favor, as antelopes possess a keen sense of smell that can easily betray your presence.

Ethical Shot Placement and Tracking:

Making an ethical shot is paramount in hunting. Ensure you are proficient with your weapon and capable of placing an accurate shot for a quick and humane kill. The vital organs of an antelope are situated in the chest cavity, making it the ideal target area. Take your time to aim properly, considering the distance, angle, and any potential obstructions. After a successful shot, carefully approach the downed animal and be prepared to track wounded animals if necessary. Use blood trails, hoof prints, and other signs to aid in your tracking efforts.

Respect for Wildlife and Environment:

As hunters, it is our responsibility to prioritize the conservation of wildlife and their habitats. Always adhere to hunting regulations and respect property rights. Leave no trace behind by properly disposing of waste and removing any litter. Engage in ethical and sustainable hunting practices, ensuring the long-term health and well-being of antelope populations in Wyoming.


Antelope hunting in Wyoming offers a thrilling and challenging experience for avid hunters. By understanding antelope behavior, conducting thorough research, utilizing appropriate gear, mastering the stalk, and practicing ethical shot placement