Blog / Arkansas Coyote Hunting: How to Skin and Process a Coyote

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, July 27, 2023

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Title: Arkansas Coyote Hunting: How to Skin and Process a Coyote

Introduction (50 words):

Welcome to Find A Hunt's comprehensive guide on Arkansas coyote hunting! Successfully hunting a coyote is an achievement in itself, but the real work begins when it's time to process the animal. In this article, we will take you through the step-by-step process of skinning and processing a coyote, ensuring that you make the most of your hunting experience.

Safety First (70 words):

Before we delve into the skinning and processing process, safety must always be the top priority. Make sure you have a sharp hunting knife and protective gloves. It's also essential to maintain a clean and organized workspace. As coyotes can carry diseases, consider wearing a face mask to prevent any potential transmission. Additionally, be mindful of your surroundings, and only proceed with the task when you have ample space to work.

Field Dressing (90 words):

Once you've successfully hunted a coyote, the first step is field dressing. Lay the coyote on its back and use your hunting knife to make a shallow incision along the belly from the pelvic region to the rib cage. Carefully remove the entrails, being cautious not to puncture any organs. Proper field dressing helps cool the carcass and reduces the risk of spoilage.

Skinning the Coyote (120 words):

After field dressing, it's time to skin the coyote. Begin by making a small incision around the ankle area of each leg. Next, gently peel back the skin from the body, using your fingers to separate the skin from the meat. As you work your way up the body, apply slight pressure and use your knife to assist in difficult areas. Be patient and take your time to avoid tearing the pelt.

Fleshing the Hide (100 words):

Once the skin is removed, the next step is fleshing the hide. Use a fleshing tool or a rounded knife to carefully scrape off any remaining fat, muscle, and membrane from the inner side of the pelt. This process ensures a clean and soft pelt, which is essential for preserving it properly. Pay close attention to areas around the legs and head, as these spots tend to retain more flesh.

Preserving the Pelt (80 words):

To preserve the pelt, you can use a salt solution or a commercial tanning kit. Liberally rub salt on the flesh side of the skin, making sure to cover it completely. Fold the pelt and let it sit for at least 12 hours to allow the salt to draw out moisture. Afterward, shake off excess salt and hang the pelt in a cool, dry area to air-dry. Alternatively, follow the instructions provided in the commercial tanning kit.

Conclusion (60 words):

Skilled hunters understand the importance of properly processing their game. By following these steps for skinning and processing a coyote, you can make the most out of your hunting experience in Arkansas. Remember, it's essential to approach this task with caution and respect for the animal. Happy hunting, and may you have successful adventures in the great outdoors!

Word Count: 513