Blog / Arkansas Turkey Hunting: Preparing for the Turkey Hunting Season

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, July 27, 2023

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Title: Arkansas Turkey Hunting: Preparing for the Turkey Hunting Season


Welcome to Find A Hunt! As the turkey hunting season approaches in Arkansas, it's time for avid hunters to gear up and prepare for an exhilarating and rewarding experience. In this article, we will guide you through essential steps to ensure you make the most of the upcoming turkey hunting season in Arkansas. From scouting locations to choosing the right equipment, we've got you covered.

Research and Scouting

Before you embark on your turkey hunting adventure, thorough research is crucial. Familiarize yourself with the hunting regulations and seasons in Arkansas. Make sure you possess the appropriate licenses and tags required for hunting turkeys.

Scouting is another vital aspect of preparation. Visit the hunting areas, study topographical maps, and observe turkey habits to identify potential roosting, feeding, and strutting sites. Look for signs of turkey presence such as tracks, droppings, and feathers to narrow down your hunting spots.

Gear and Equipment

Having the right gear is essential for a successful turkey hunt. Ensure your shotgun is properly sighted in and that you have practiced your shooting skills. A 12 or 20-gauge shotgun with a modified or full choke is ideal for turkey hunting.

Other necessary equipment includes camouflage clothing to blend into the surroundings, a comfortable and durable hunting vest to carry essential items like calls, decoys, and snacks, a turkey call (such as box, slate, or diaphragm calls), and decoys to attract turkeys within range. A portable blind can also be beneficial for concealing your movements.

Learn Turkey Calls and Techniques

Mastering turkey calls and techniques is crucial to attract and deceive these cunning birds. Practice different calls to mimic hen yelps, clucks, purrs, and gobbles. Turkeys are responsive to realistic calls, so investing time in perfecting your techniques will greatly improve your chances of success.

Additionally, learn about turkey behavior and understand the significance of calls during various phases of the breeding season. Patience is key when it comes to turkey hunting, so be prepared to wait and use your calls strategically to lure in the birds.

Safety First

Safety should always be a top priority during any hunting expedition. Before heading out, inform someone trustworthy about your hunting plans, including the location and estimated return time. Carry a reliable communication device like a fully charged cell phone or a two-way radio.

Wearing hunter orange is not mandatory for turkey hunting, but it's a wise choice, especially if you are hunting on public lands where other hunters may be present. Stay alert, identify your target clearly, and avoid shooting at any movement or noise without proper identification.

Respect for Wildlife and Nature

As responsible hunters, it's our duty to respect wildlife and the environment. Adhere to the hunting regulations and limits set by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Remember that ethical hunting practices ensure the preservation of wildlife for future generations of hunters to enjoy.


As the Arkansas turkey hunting season approaches, it's time to put your preparation into action. Remember to research and scout your hunting areas, gather the right equipment, practice your calls and techniques, prioritize safety, and respect the wildlife and nature around you.

At Find A Hunt, we encourage ethical and responsible hunting practices, ensuring a memorable and fulfilling experience for all hunters. So, gear up, head out, and make the most of the Arkansas turkey hunting season! Happy hunting!