Blog / Back to Basics: Primitive Hunting Skills

By Connor Thomas
Monday, September 11, 2023

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become the norm, there's a growing movement among hunters to reconnect with their roots. "Primitive hunting skills" is a term gaining momentum in hunting circles, as hunters seek to rediscover the fundamental techniques that sustained our ancestors for millennia. In this article, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we'll delve into the world of primitive hunting skills and explore how they can enhance your hunting experience.


One of the most essential primitive hunting skills is tracking. Before the advent of high-powered scopes and trail cameras, our ancestors relied on their ability to read the signs left behind by their quarry. Tracking involves studying animal footprints, droppings, broken vegetation, and other clues to determine the presence, size, and direction of the game.

To develop your tracking skills, spend time in the field observing tracks and signs left by various animals. Learn to differentiate between different tracks and understand the behavior of the animals you're pursuing. This skill will not only make you a more effective hunter but also deepen your connection to the natural world.


While firearms have revolutionized hunting, there's a unique satisfaction in taking up a bow and arrow, a weapon that dates back thousands of years. Bowhunting requires precision, patience, and a deep understanding of your target's behavior. It's a challenging but rewarding way to connect with the primal instincts of our ancestors.

To embrace bowhunting, invest in a quality bow and practice regularly to hone your shooting skills. Learn to get close to your quarry, as bows have a much shorter effective range than firearms. Remember that ethical hunting with a bow demands a higher level of proficiency to ensure quick, humane kills.


Flintknapping is the ancient art of crafting stone tools, including arrowheads and spear points. While you may not need to make your own hunting equipment today, learning the basics of flintknapping can provide a deeper appreciation for the skills our ancestors possessed.

Consider attending workshops or watching online tutorials to get started with flintknapping. Even if you only produce a few rudimentary tools, the experience will connect you with the primitive roots of hunting and the craftsmanship of our forebears.

Camouflage and Stealth

Modern hunting clothing and technology have made it easier to blend into the environment, but primitive hunting skills involve a different level of camouflage and stealth. Our ancestors relied on natural materials like leaves, branches, and mud to conceal themselves from wary game.

Experiment with primitive camouflage techniques by using local vegetation and materials to create natural blinds and clothing. Develop your stalking abilities, moving silently through the woods and staying downwind of your quarry. The challenge of getting close to your game without being detected will enhance your hunting experience.


In a world dominated by advanced hunting gear, it's easy to forget the primal skills that sustained our ancestors for generations. "Back to Basics: Primitive Hunting Skills" is a movement that allows modern hunters to reconnect with the roots of our passion. By honing tracking abilities, embracing bowhunting, exploring flintknapping, and mastering camouflage and stealth, you can elevate your hunting experience and forge a deeper connection with the wilderness. At Find A Hunt, we encourage hunters to explore these primitive skills and rediscover the essence of the hunt. Happy hunting!