Blog / Bear Hunting in Colorado: The Do's and Don'ts

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

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Colorado is renowned for its diverse wildlife and thrilling hunting opportunities. Bear hunting, in particular, attracts avid hunters from all over the country. To ensure a successful and ethical hunting experience, it is essential to be aware of the do's and don'ts when bear hunting in Colorado. In this article, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we will guide you through the essential guidelines and best practices for a safe and responsible bear hunting adventure.

Do's for Bear Hunting in Colorado:

a. Obtain Appropriate Licenses and Permits:

Before embarking on your bear hunting journey in Colorado, it is crucial to acquire the necessary licenses and permits. Familiarize yourself with the specific regulations and requirements set by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW). Ensure you possess a valid bear hunting license, habitat stamp, and follow the designated hunting seasons and areas.

b. Learn About Bear Behavior:

To increase your chances of a successful hunt, it is essential to study bear behavior. Understanding their habitat preferences, feeding patterns, and movement will help you locate potential hunting spots. Additionally, gaining knowledge about their tracks, scat, and other signs of bear presence can be valuable in tracking and pursuing them.

c. Practice Proper Scouting:

Scouting is crucial when it comes to bear hunting. Familiarize yourself with the hunting area beforehand to identify potential bear activity. Look for signs such as claw marks on trees, overturned rocks, or tracks near water sources and feeding areas. Utilize trail cameras to monitor bear movement and gain insights into their behavior.

d. Use Proper Hunting Techniques and Equipment:

Utilize ethical hunting techniques to ensure a clean and humane kill. Rifles and bows are common choices for bear hunting. Make sure you are proficient with your chosen weapon and practice ethical shot placement to minimize suffering. It is also advisable to carry bear pepper spray for personal protection in case of close encounters.

Don'ts for Bear Hunting in Colorado:

a. Don't Violate Hunting Laws and Regulations:

Respect and adhere to all hunting laws and regulations set forth by CPW. These regulations are in place to conserve bear populations and ensure sustainable hunting practices. Violating these laws can lead to severe penalties and the loss of hunting privileges.

b. Don't Bait Bears Illegally:

Baiting bears is strictly regulated in Colorado. It is illegal to use bait to attract bears for hunting purposes. Engaging in this practice can result in serious consequences and harm the ecosystem's balance. Always hunt bears in a fair chase manner, relying on your skills and knowledge.

c. Don't Shoot Sows with Cubs:

It is crucial to exercise caution and proper judgment while bear hunting. Avoid shooting female bears with cubs, as this can orphan the cubs and disrupt the natural balance of the bear population. Focus on harvesting mature bears, which helps maintain a healthy population and ecosystem.

d. Don't Waste Game Meat:

Respect the animal you hunt by utilizing as much of the harvested bear as possible. Properly field dress, process, and store the meat to ensure it doesn't go to waste. Consider donating excess meat to local food banks or charitable organizations if you cannot consume it all.


Bear hunting in Colorado offers thrilling opportunities for hunters who appreciate the wilderness and the challenge it presents. By following the do's and don'ts outlined in this article, you can ensure a safe, ethical, and rewarding hunting experience. Remember to always stay informed about the latest hunting regulations, respect wildlife, and prioritize conservation. Happy hunting!