Blog / Bear Hunting in Colorado: Tips from the Pros

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, July 05, 2023

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Colorado is renowned for its abundant wildlife and offers excellent opportunities for bear hunting. For both seasoned hunters and beginners, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of the hunting techniques and regulations specific to Colorado. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips from the pros to enhance your bear hunting experience. Whether you're searching for black bears or pursuing the challenging adventure of hunting grizzlies, these tips will help you make the most of your time in the Colorado wilderness.

Scout and Identify Prime Bear Habitat:

Before embarking on your bear hunting expedition, it's essential to scout the hunting area and identify prime bear habitat. Look for areas with ample food sources like berries, acorns, and other vegetation that bears feed on. Pay attention to signs of bear activity such as tracks, scat, and claw marks on trees. Identifying these areas will significantly increase your chances of encountering bears.

Study Bear Behavior and Patterns:

Understanding bear behavior and patterns is crucial for a successful hunt. Bears are often most active during early morning and late evening, so plan your hunting times accordingly. Additionally, bears tend to follow predictable travel routes, especially along ridges, creek bottoms, and game trails. By studying their behavior and patterns, you can strategically position yourself for a higher chance of success.

Utilize Quality Gear and Equipment:

Investing in high-quality gear and equipment is essential for bear hunting in Colorado. Ensure that you have a reliable rifle or bow that meets the legal requirements. Optics such as binoculars and rangefinders will aid in spotting and accurately judging distances. Moreover, don't forget to carry essential items like a bear tag, hunting knife, field dressing kit, and appropriate clothing to stay comfortable in the unpredictable mountain weather.

Practice Stealth and Concealment:

Bears possess keen senses, particularly a strong sense of smell. To increase your chances of a successful hunt, practice stealth and concealment. Use scent-control products and avoid wearing strong odors that could alert bears to your presence. Move slowly and silently, keeping a low profile to blend in with the surroundings. Remember, bears have excellent eyesight, so stay hidden and use natural cover whenever possible.

Employ Effective Calling and Scents:

Calling and scents can be effective tools for attracting bears. Using predator calls, such as distressed fawn or rabbit calls, can pique a bear's curiosity and bring them within range. Additionally, scent lures and attractants specific to bears can be used strategically to create interest and draw them closer. Experimenting with different calls and scents is crucial, as individual bears may respond differently.

Stay Safe and Comply with Regulations:

Bear hunting can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but safety should always be a top priority. Familiarize yourself with Colorado's hunting regulations and follow them diligently. Be aware of any seasonal restrictions, licensing requirements, and bear management unit boundaries. It is also essential to practice firearms safety and to be well-versed in bear behavior, including how to handle potential encounters with bears in the wild.


Bear hunting in Colorado offers hunters a thrilling and challenging experience in a beautiful and diverse landscape. By applying the tips provided by seasoned hunters, you can enhance your skills, increase your chances of success, and ensure a safe and responsible hunting trip. Remember to respect the wildlife and the environment, and always hunt ethically. Enjoy the adventure and the opportunity to connect with nature while pursuing the ultimate hunting challenge in the breathtaking wilderness of Colorado.