Blog / Becoming a Better Stalker: Tips for Close Encounters

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

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Hunting is a time-honored tradition that demands a deep understanding of nature, patience, and skill. Whether you're a hunter or just starting, there's always room for improvement. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we will explore valuable tips for becoming a better stalker, increasing your chances of close encounters with your target game.

Know Your Quarry:

One of the fundamental aspects of becoming a successful hunter is understanding the habits, behaviors, and environments of the animals you're pursuing. Each species has unique patterns and preferences, so take the time to research and study your quarry. Knowing their feeding schedules, preferred terrain, and daily routines can make all the difference in getting close.

Master Stealth Techniques:

Stalking requires silence and stealth. Invest in clothing and gear designed for noise reduction. Slow, deliberate movements are key; avoid sudden noises, and step carefully. Keep your gear well-maintained to minimize any potential squeaks or rattles.

Wind and Scent Control:

Animals have a keen sense of smell, and if they catch your scent, they'll be gone before you even see them. Pay close attention to wind direction and try to keep it in your favor. Use scent-blocking clothing, sprays, or cover scents to further reduce your scent signature.

Use Binoculars and Scopes:

A good set of binoculars or a scope can be your best friend in stalking. They allow you to observe your target from a distance, increasing your chances of spotting game before they spot you. Invest in quality optics to ensure clarity and precision.

Plan Your Approach:

Before you set out on your hunt, plan your approach carefully. Consider factors like the terrain, wind direction, and potential escape routes for the game. Choose your stalking path wisely, staying downwind and using natural cover like trees and rocks to your advantage.

Practice Patience:

Stalking can be a slow and tedious process. It's essential to practice patience and avoid rushing. Wait for the right moment to move closer or take a shot. Impatience can lead to unnecessary noise and mistakes that will alert your quarry.

Silence Your Electronics:

Modern hunting often involves technology, such as GPS devices and smartphones. Make sure to silence or turn off any electronic devices that could make noise at the wrong time. A sudden ringtone can ruin hours of careful stalking.

Keep Physical Fitness in Mind:

Stalking can be physically demanding, especially if you're traversing rough terrain. Stay in good physical shape to endure long hours of crouching, crawling, and hiking. A strong and agile hunter is more likely to succeed in stalking.

Continual Learning:

Hunting is a lifelong learning process. Seek advice from experienced hunters, read books and articles, and even consider taking hunting courses to improve your skills. Every new piece of knowledge or technique you acquire can make you a better stalker.


Becoming a better stalker requires dedication, knowledge, and practice. With these tips and the right mindset, you can increase your chances of close encounters and successful hunts. Remember that ethical hunting practices, safety, and respect for nature should always be at the forefront of your hunting journey. "Find A Hunt" wishes you the best of luck in your hunting endeavors.