Blog / Blacktail deer hunting tips

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, May 25, 2023

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Title: Blacktail Deer Hunting Tips


Blacktail deer hunting requires skill, knowledge, and patience. These elusive creatures inhabit dense forests and rugged terrains, making them a challenging yet rewarding target for hunters. In this article, we will provide valuable tips and insights to enhance your blacktail deer hunting experience. Whether you are a novice or an experienced hunter, these strategies will help you increase your chances of a successful hunt. So, gear up and get ready to embark on an exciting blacktail deer hunting adventure with Find A Hunt.

Scout Your Hunting Area:

Before heading out to hunt blacktail deer, it is crucial to thoroughly scout your hunting area. Familiarize yourself with the terrain, vegetation, and the general behavior of blacktail deer in that particular region. Look for signs such as tracks, rubs, scrapes, and droppings to determine their movement patterns. Understanding their habitat and preferred food sources will significantly improve your chances of locating them during the hunt.

Choose the Right Time:

Timing is essential in blacktail deer hunting. These deer are most active during the early morning and late evening hours, so plan your hunts accordingly. Take advantage of their feeding and bedding patterns. Set up your hunting spot near well-traveled routes, such as trails or transition areas between their feeding and bedding areas.

Concealment and Scent Control:

Blacktail deer have a keen sense of smell and excellent hearing, making scent control and concealment crucial for a successful hunt. Use scent-free soaps and detergents for your hunting gear, clothing, and yourself. Pay attention to wind direction and try to position yourself downwind from the deer to minimize the chance of them detecting your scent. Wear camouflage clothing that matches the surroundings to blend in effectively.

Utilize Deer Calls:

Mastering deer calls can be a game-changer when it comes to attracting blacktail deer. Learn to mimic their vocalizations, such as grunts, bleats, or rattling antlers, to grab their attention. Experiment with different calls and techniques to see which ones work best in your hunting area. Practice beforehand to ensure you can produce realistic and convincing deer sounds.

Optimize Your Shot Placement:

Proper shot placement is crucial for an ethical and effective harvest. Aim for the vitals, which include the heart and lungs. Practice shooting from different positions and distances to become proficient with your weapon of choice. Remember to always prioritize a clean and humane kill.

Stay Patient and Alert:

Blacktail deer are known for their wariness and ability to vanish into thin air. Patience and alertness are vital traits to cultivate during your hunt. Stay still and quiet for extended periods, scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement. Avoid sudden movements that could alert the deer and cause them to flee. Patience, combined with your scouting knowledge and hunting skills, will eventually pay off.


Blacktail deer hunting offers a thrilling adventure for hunters of all levels of experience. By implementing these tips provided by Find A Hunt, you can enhance your chances of a successful blacktail deer hunt. Remember to scout your hunting area, choose the right time, practice scent control, utilize deer calls, optimize shot placement, and remain patient and alert. Respect nature, follow hunting regulations, and always prioritize safety during your hunting expeditions. Happy hunting!