Blog / Bobcat hunting in California: Tips and tricks

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

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Title: Bobcat Hunting in California: Tips and Tricks


Bobcat hunting in California is an exciting and challenging endeavor that requires proper knowledge and skills. These elusive predators inhabit various regions of the state, making it an appealing destination for hunters seeking a unique and thrilling experience. In this article, we will provide you with essential tips and tricks to enhance your bobcat hunting adventure in California.

Understanding Bobcat Behavior:

To increase your chances of a successful hunt, it is crucial to understand the behavior and habitat of bobcats. These solitary animals are most active during twilight and nighttime hours. They prefer areas with dense cover, such as forests, brushy areas, and rocky terrain. Learning about their preferred habitats will help you narrow down your hunting locations.

Scouting and Locating Bobcat Sign:

Before heading out on your hunt, spend time scouting for signs of bobcat activity. Look for tracks, scat, scratch marks on trees, and hair caught on branches. Bobcats often mark their territories using scent glands, so keep an eye out for these signs as well. Use this information to identify prime hunting areas and plan your strategy accordingly.

Choose the Right Hunting Equipment:

When it comes to bobcat hunting, the right equipment can make a significant difference. Consider using a high-quality rifle chambered in a caliber suitable for medium-sized game, such as .223 Remington or .22-250 Remington. Optics like a scope with variable magnification can aid in sighting and precision shooting. Additionally, bring along predator calls, scent attractants, and decoys to lure bobcats within range.

Camouflage and Concealment:

Bobcats have keen senses and can spot movement from a distance. Wearing appropriate camouflage clothing that matches the environment will help you blend into your surroundings. Utilize natural cover, such as bushes or rocks, to break up your silhouette and remain concealed. Remember to minimize noise and movement to avoid alerting the bobcats.

Calling and Decoy Strategies:

Using predator calls and decoys can be highly effective for attracting bobcats. Mimic the sounds of distressed prey, such as rabbits or rodents, to pique their curiosity and draw them in. Electronic callers are popular choices as they offer a variety of realistic sounds. Place the decoy strategically to divert the bobcat's attention, allowing you to line up your shot.

Patience and Persistence:

Bobcat hunting requires patience and persistence. These elusive animals can be cautious and may take their time before approaching a call or decoy. Stay still, quiet, and vigilant while waiting for the perfect shot opportunity. Maintain a positive mindset, as success often comes to those who are persistent and willing to put in the time.

Legal Considerations:

Ensure that you are familiar with the hunting regulations and laws specific to bobcat hunting in California. Check the California Department of Fish and Wildlife website for up-to-date information on seasons, bag limits, and any additional restrictions or requirements. Adhering to these guidelines will help preserve the bobcat population and ensure a sustainable hunting experience.


Bobcat hunting in California provides hunters with a thrilling adventure amidst the diverse landscapes of the state. By understanding bobcat behavior, scouting for signs, using the right equipment, employing camouflage techniques, and practicing patience, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt. Remember to always hunt responsibly and abide by the legal regulations to conserve the bobcat population for future generations. Enjoy the challenge and excitement that bobcat hunting in California has to offer!