Blog / Bow Hunting in Ohio: Equipment Essentials for Every Hunter

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

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Bow hunting in Ohio offers an exhilarating and challenging experience for outdoor enthusiasts. With its diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife, Ohio provides an excellent hunting environment. However, to maximize your success and ensure a safe and ethical hunt, it's crucial to have the right equipment. In this article, we will explore the equipment essentials for every bow hunter in Ohio, brought to you by Find A Hunt.

Bow and Arrows:

The cornerstone of bow hunting is, of course, the bow itself. Choose a compound bow that suits your physique and shooting style. Ensure it has a suitable draw weight for your strength and is properly adjusted for your draw length. It's advisable to visit a local archery shop for professional assistance in selecting and setting up your bow.

Selecting arrows is equally important. Opt for arrows that are compatible with your bow's draw weight and length. Carbon arrows are popular due to their strength, durability, and consistency. Remember to invest in quality broadheads for effective and ethical kills.

Hunting Clothing:

Ohio's weather can be unpredictable, so it's essential to have appropriate hunting clothing. Dress in layers to regulate your body temperature effectively. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer to keep sweat away from your skin. Add insulating layers for warmth and finish with a waterproof and breathable outer layer to protect against rain and wind.

Camouflage clothing helps you blend into the surroundings, increasing your chances of getting close to game animals. Additionally, invest in quality hunting boots, gloves, and headwear for comfort and concealment.

Safety Harness:

Safety should be a top priority for every hunter. A safety harness is a must-have item when hunting from an elevated position, such as a tree stand. Falls from tree stands can lead to severe injuries or even death. Ensure your safety harness is properly fitted, and always use it when hunting from heights to prevent accidents and ensure a safe hunting experience.


Quality optics are invaluable for spotting game and assessing their distance. Invest in a good pair of binoculars to enhance your field of view and identify animals from a distance. Additionally, consider using a rangefinder to accurately determine the distance between you and your target, allowing for precise shots.

Backpack and Gear:

A sturdy backpack is essential for carrying all your hunting gear. Look for a backpack with multiple compartments and a comfortable harness system to evenly distribute the weight. Pack essential items such as extra clothing layers, water, snacks, field dressing tools, a flashlight, first aid supplies, and a game call.

Game Calls:

Mastering the art of game calling can significantly improve your hunting success. Invest in quality game calls specific to the species you are targeting. Learn the different calls and practice using them effectively. Whether it's imitating a deer's grunt or a turkey's yelp, the right call can lure game animals within shooting range.


When it comes to bow hunting in Ohio, having the right equipment is crucial for a successful and enjoyable experience. Find A Hunt recommends investing in a well-suited bow, quality arrows, appropriate clothing, a safety harness, optics, a backpack, and game calls. Remember to always prioritize safety and adhere to local hunting regulations. With the right equipment and proper preparation, you'll be ready to embark on a thrilling bow hunting adventure in Ohio. Happy hunting!