Blog / Bushcraft and Hunting: Survival Skills in New Hampshire's Wilderness

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

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New Hampshire's wilderness offers an incredible backdrop for hunters seeking adventure and challenging terrain. To truly thrive in this rugged environment, a blend of bushcraft and hunting skills is essential. In this article, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we'll delve into the world of bushcraft and hunting in New Hampshire's wilderness, exploring the survival skills you need to thrive in this pristine and demanding environment.

Knowledge of the Terrain

Before embarking on a hunting expedition in New Hampshire, it's crucial to understand the terrain. From dense forests to steep hills and rocky landscapes, knowing the lay of the land can be a matter of life or death. Online maps, local knowledge, and scouting trips will help you familiarize yourself with the area. Remember, a successful hunt often begins with a deep understanding of the wilderness.

Navigation Skills

Getting lost in the wilderness can be perilous. Basic navigation skills using a compass and topographic map are vital. However, modern GPS devices and apps can also be invaluable for tracking your movements, marking key locations, and ensuring you stay on course.

Shelter Building

New Hampshire's wilderness can be unpredictable, with rapidly changing weather. It's essential to know how to build a shelter in case you get caught in adverse conditions. Learning to construct a sturdy lean-to or improvised shelter with available materials is a skill that can save your life.


Fire is not only essential for warmth but also for cooking and signaling for help if needed. Knowing how to start a fire in wet conditions and sustain it is a fundamental bushcraft skill. Carry fire-starting tools, such as waterproof matches, lighters, and fire starters, and practice building fires under varying conditions.

Foraging and Wild Edibles

Hunting alone may not always guarantee a meal. Familiarize yourself with the edible plants and fungi in the area, as well as safe foraging practices. While hunting remains a primary source of sustenance, knowing how to supplement your diet with wild edibles can be a game-changer in survival situations.

Water Sourcing and Purification

Access to clean water is crucial. Learn how to locate water sources, whether it's a river, stream, or natural springs. Carry water purification tools like filters, iodine tablets, or portable water purifiers to ensure safe drinking water during your expedition.

Tracking and Hunting Skills

Of course, hunting is at the heart of this wilderness adventure. Brush up on your tracking and stalking skills to increase your chances of a successful hunt. Understanding animal behavior, identifying tracks, and practicing stealthy movement are all vital components of becoming an effective hunter.

First Aid and Emergency Response

Accidents can happen, and being prepared for them is essential. Carry a well-equipped first aid kit and know how to administer basic first aid. It's also crucial to have a communication device, such as a satellite phone or emergency beacon, to call for help in case of a severe injury or emergency.

In New Hampshire's wilderness, the synergy between bushcraft and hunting skills is paramount for your safety and success as a hunter. The terrain is demanding, and the weather can be unforgiving, but with the right knowledge and preparation, you can thrive in this pristine wilderness. Remember, safety should always be your top priority, and Find A Hunt is here to help you plan your hunting adventures and acquire the skills needed to make your experiences in New Hampshire's wilderness unforgettable. Happy hunting!