Blog / Choosing Between Fixed and Expandable Broadheads for Bow Hunting

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, November 02, 2023

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Bow hunting is a time-honored tradition that requires skill, precision, and the right equipment. One crucial decision every bowhunter must make is whether to use fixed or expandable broadheads. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on your personal preferences and hunting style. In this article, we'll explore the differences between fixed and expandable broadheads to help you make an informed decision for your next hunt.

Fixed Broadheads:

Fixed broadheads are known for their simplicity and reliability. They consist of a solid, unchanging blade configuration that remains open at all times. Here are some key points to consider when using fixed broadheads for bow hunting:

Penetration: Fixed broadheads are known for their excellent penetration capabilities. Their design ensures that they maintain their path, making them ideal for hunting thicker-skinned animals.

Durability: Because they have no moving parts, fixed broadheads tend to be more durable and less prone to mechanical failures, such as blades failing to deploy.

Consistency: Fixed broadheads deliver consistent accuracy shot after shot, making them a popular choice for experienced bowhunters.

Larger Cutting Diameter: Some fixed broadheads come with a larger cutting diameter, which can result in better blood trails and easier tracking.

Expandable Broadheads:

Expandable broadheads, also known as mechanical or mechanical expandable broadheads, have gained popularity in recent years due to their unique design. These broadheads feature blades that remain closed during flight but open upon impact. Here are some considerations for using expandable broadheads:

Accuracy: Expandable broadheads can offer great accuracy at longer distances because of their streamlined design. They often fly more similarly to field points.

Reduced Penetration: While they may offer accuracy, expandable broadheads are sometimes criticized for potentially reduced penetration, especially when hitting bone or dense tissue.

Mechanical Failure: There is a risk of mechanical failure with expandable broadheads. The blades may fail to deploy correctly upon impact, leading to less effective shots.

Blood Trails: Expandable broadheads may produce smaller entry wounds, which can make tracking blood trails more challenging compared to fixed broadheads with larger cutting diameters.

Choosing Between the Two:

The decision between fixed and expandable broadheads ultimately comes down to your individual hunting preferences and circumstances. Here are some factors to consider when making your choice:

Game Species: Consider the type of animals you'll be hunting. Fixed broadheads are generally better for larger and tougher animals, while expandable broadheads can work well for smaller game.

Shot Placement: If you're confident in your ability to make precise shots, expandable broadheads may be a good choice for their accuracy. However, if you anticipate shots that may hit bone, fixed broadheads may be more reliable.

Personal Experience: Your personal experience and comfort level with either type of broadhead will play a significant role in your decision. Stick with what you're familiar with and have had success using in the past.

Both fixed and expandable broadheads have their advantages and disadvantages. The decision ultimately depends on your hunting style, the game you're pursuing, and your personal preferences. Regardless of your choice, always practice with your chosen broadheads to ensure accuracy and effectiveness in the field. Find A Hunt wishes you a successful and ethical hunting season, no matter which broadhead you choose for your next bow hunting adventure.