Blog / Colorado Prairie Dogs: Varmint Hunting on the High Plains

By Connor Thomas
Friday, September 29, 2023

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  • Introduction

  • Colorado's high plains offer a unique hunting experience for outdoor enthusiasts, especially those interested in varmint hunting. One of the most challenging and exciting varmint hunts in this region is the pursuit of prairie dogs. These small, burrowing rodents are not only a fun target but also a valuable way to help manage their populations and protect local ecosystems. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we'll explore the world of varmint hunting on Colorado's high plains, focusing on prairie dogs as the primary quarry.

  • Understanding Prairie Dogs

  • Prairie dogs are social animals that inhabit vast grasslands and prairies throughout Colorado. They are known for their intricate burrow systems, which can house hundreds of individuals in interconnected tunnels. While these creatures may seem harmless, they can cause significant damage to agricultural lands, which is why varmint hunting is encouraged by local authorities.

  • Hunting Season and Regulations

  • Before embarking on a prairie dog hunt, it's essential to understand the hunting season and regulations in Colorado. The season typically runs from early spring through late fall, allowing hunters ample opportunities to test their skills. Be sure to check the latest regulations and obtain any required permits or licenses before your hunting trip.

  • Hunting Techniques

  • Prairie dog hunting is challenging and requires a combination of precision shooting and fieldcraft. Here are some essential techniques to keep in mind:

  • Spotting: Use binoculars or a spotting scope to locate prairie dog colonies. They can often be seen popping in and out of their burrows.

  • Stalking: Approach cautiously, staying downwind to avoid detection. These rodents have keen senses of smell and sight.

  • Shooting: Accurate shooting is crucial, as prairie dogs are small and elusive. Long-range rifles with flat trajectories are ideal for this type of hunting.

  • Safety: Always prioritize safety. Be aware of your surroundings and know your target and what lies beyond it. Wear appropriate eye and ear protection.

  • The Importance of Varmint Hunting

  • Varmint hunting, including prairie dog hunting, serves an important ecological purpose. Prairie dogs can reproduce rapidly and overgraze grasslands, which negatively impacts other wildlife and the overall ecosystem. By participating in responsible varmint hunting, you help maintain a balance in the ecosystem and promote healthier habitats for other wildlife species.

  • Why Choose "Find A Hunt"?

  • "Find A Hunt" is your trusted partner in planning and organizing your prairie dog hunting adventure in Colorado. We offer a comprehensive platform that connects hunters with experienced outfitters and guides who know the ins and outs of varmint hunting in the region. Our network of professionals ensures that your hunting trip is not only safe but also rewarding and enjoyable.

  • Conclusion

  • Varmint hunting on the high plains of Colorado, specifically targeting prairie dogs, is a thrilling outdoor pursuit that combines marksmanship, strategy, and conservation. As you plan your next hunting adventure, remember to follow all local regulations and prioritize safety. And when you're ready to embark on your prairie dog hunting expedition, trust "Find A Hunt" to help you find the perfect outfitter and make the most of your time in the field. Enjoy the challenge and satisfaction of varmint hunting while contributing to the health of Colorado's unique ecosystems.