Blog / Cougar hunting in Washington: A complete guide

By Connor Thomas
Monday, June 05, 2023

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Title: Cougar Hunting in Washington: A Complete Guide


Washington State is known for its diverse wildlife, and one of its most majestic and elusive creatures is the cougar, also known as the mountain lion or puma. With its stealth, strength, and incredible agility, hunting cougars can be an exhilarating and challenging experience for outdoor enthusiasts. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of cougar hunting in Washington, covering essential information, regulations, strategies, and safety tips to ensure a successful and responsible hunting experience.

Understanding Cougars:

Cougars are large predatory cats that inhabit various habitats across Washington, including forests, mountains, and deserts. They are solitary creatures and primarily hunt deer and other ungulates. Their keen senses, powerful build, and ability to adapt make them formidable adversaries in the wild.

Licensing and Regulations:

Before embarking on a cougar hunting adventure in Washington, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the state's licensing and regulations. Hunting licenses, tags, and permits are required and can be obtained through the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) website or authorized vendors. Make sure to check for any specific restrictions or quotas in the area you plan to hunt, as regulations can vary by location and hunting season.

Seasons and Bag Limits:

Washington has specific seasons and bag limits for cougar hunting. These regulations are in place to manage the cougar population and maintain ecological balance. It is essential to review the current hunting regulations provided by the WDFW to stay informed about hunting seasons, dates, bag limits, and any additional requirements.

Planning and Preparation:

Successful cougar hunting requires careful planning and preparation. Here are some key considerations:

Scout Your Hunting Area: Familiarize yourself with the terrain, tracks, and signs of cougar activity in your chosen hunting area. Cougars are known to be secretive, so identifying their habits and preferred territories can significantly increase your chances of success.

Choose the Right Gear: Opt for appropriate hunting gear, including a reliable rifle or bow, camouflage clothing, boots suitable for rugged terrain, a quality backpack, and other necessary equipment. Ensure you are well-versed in using your equipment and practice shooting accurately before the hunt.

Study Cougars' Behavior and Calls: Understanding cougars' behavior, including their vocalizations, can be beneficial while tracking them. Learning to mimic their vocalizations can help attract them or assess their presence in the area.

Hunting with Hounds: Cougar hunting with trained hounds is a popular method. It requires specialized training for both the hunter and the dogs. Consult with experienced hound hunters or professional guides who can provide valuable insights and assistance.

Safety Considerations:

Safety should always be a top priority when hunting cougars. Keep the following safety tips in mind:

Hunt in Groups: Hunting with a partner or in a group is advisable, as it enhances safety and provides support in challenging situations.

Carry Bear Spray: Cougars are generally elusive and prefer to avoid human encounters. However, carrying bear spray can provide an added layer of protection in case of an unexpected encounter.

Practice Situational Awareness: Be observant of your surroundings, listen for any unusual sounds, and scan the area for signs of wildlife. Cougars are known for their stealth, so maintaining vigilance is crucial.

Inform Others: Before heading out, inform a reliable person about your hunting plans, including your intended location and estimated return time. This ensures someone is aware of your whereabouts in case of an emergency.


Cougar hunting in Washington offers an exciting and challenging adventure for outdoor enthusiasts. However, it is essential to approach this pursuit responsibly, respecting the wildlife and adhering to the state's regulations. By understanding the behavior of cougars, preparing appropriately, and priorit