Blog / Coyote hunting in Wyoming: Best practices

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

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Title: Coyote Hunting in Wyoming: Best Practices


Wyoming's vast landscapes and thriving wildlife make it a premier destination for hunting enthusiasts, and one of the most sought-after game species is the elusive coyote. Known for their cunning nature and adaptability, coyotes provide an exciting and challenging hunting experience. In this article, we will explore the best practices for coyote hunting in Wyoming, providing valuable insights to ensure a successful and ethical hunting adventure. Brought to you by Find A Hunt, your trusted resource for locating the best hunting opportunities across the country.

Understanding Coyote Behavior:

To effectively hunt coyotes, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of their behavior and habits. Coyotes are highly adaptable and are known to be opportunistic hunters. They primarily hunt small mammals like rabbits, rodents, and ground-nesting birds. They are also known to scavenge carrion and have a keen sense of smell, hearing, and vision, which makes them difficult to approach undetected. Learning about their natural habitats and preferred hunting grounds will significantly enhance your chances of a successful hunt.

Season and Licensing:

Before embarking on a coyote hunting trip in Wyoming, it is important to familiarize yourself with the hunting seasons and regulations in the state. Wyoming offers specific seasons and licensing requirements for hunting coyotes, which may vary from other game species. Make sure to obtain the necessary permits and tags and familiarize yourself with any restrictions or limitations imposed by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.

Equipment and Gear:

Selecting the right equipment and gear is essential for a successful coyote hunt. Here are some recommendations:

a. Firearms: Opt for a rifle chambered in .22-250 or .223 caliber, as they provide excellent accuracy and range for coyote hunting. Ensure your firearm is properly sighted-in and familiarize yourself with its capabilities.

b. Optics: Invest in a quality pair of binoculars and a scope to enhance your ability to spot coyotes from a distance. Look for optics with good light transmission and a wide field of view to maximize your chances of spotting these elusive creatures.

c. Calls: Coyotes are highly responsive to calls, making them a valuable tool for luring them in. Electronic and mouth-blown calls imitating distress sounds or prey calls can be effective in attracting their attention.

d. Camouflage Clothing: Dress in appropriate camouflage clothing that matches the terrain and vegetation of your hunting area. Additionally, consider using scent-control products to minimize your scent and increase your chances of remaining undetected.

Scouting and Location:

Scouting is crucial for a successful coyote hunt. Prior to your trip, spend time researching and identifying potential hunting locations. Look for areas with a healthy population of small mammals, as this will attract coyotes. Look for tracks, scat, and other signs of coyote activity to confirm their presence. Utilize topographic maps and satellite imagery to pinpoint areas that offer good visibility and strategic vantage points.

Hunting Techniques:

Several hunting techniques can be employed when targeting coyotes. The most common methods include:

a. Stand Hunting: Find a suitable location with good visibility and set up a stand or hideout. Use predator calls to attract coyotes, and be patient and observant.

b. Spot-and-Stalk: Utilize binoculars to spot coyotes from a distance, and then carefully approach within range for a shot. This technique requires stealth and patience.

c. Calling and Decoying: Use predator calls and decoys to simulate distress or mating calls, attracting curious coyotes within shooting range. Practice different call sequences and be prepared for varying responses.


Coyote hunting in Wyoming offers thrilling and rewarding experiences for avid hunters. By understanding coyote behavior