Blog / Deer Calling Techniques for Every Season

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

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  • When it comes to hunting deer, mastering the art of deer calling can be a game-changer. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a beginner, knowing how to use deer calls effectively throughout the year can significantly increase your chances of a successful hunt. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we'll explore deer calling techniques for every season, helping you become a more proficient and successful deer hunter.

  • Spring:

  • Spring may not be the most popular season for deer hunting, but it's an excellent time to practice your deer calling skills. During this season, deer are more social and curious, making it easier to lure them with the right calls. Here are some techniques to consider:

  • Social Grunts: Use social grunts to imitate the sounds of deer communicating with each other. These soft, subtle grunts can pique the interest of curious deer, bringing them closer to investigate.

  • Fawn Distress Calls: Fawn distress calls can be highly effective in the spring when deer are protective of their young. Mimicking the distress cries of a fawn in distress can draw in concerned does and potentially a protective buck.

  • Summer:

  • While hunting is typically not permitted during the summer months, it's a great time to practice and refine your deer calling skills. You can experiment with different calls and perfect your techniques in preparation for the upcoming hunting seasons.

  • Early Fall:

  • As the leaves begin to change and the weather cools down, deer start to become more active. Early fall is a prime time for deer hunting, and the right calling techniques can help you bag a buck. Here's what you should focus on:

  • Buck Grunts: Bucks start becoming more territorial and aggressive as the rut approaches. Using buck grunts can attract both curious does and rival bucks looking for a fight.

  • Rattling: Rattling antlers together mimics the sound of two bucks sparring. This can be an effective way to lure in a dominant buck during early fall.

  • The Rut (Late Fall):

  • The rut is the peak of the deer hunting season, and it's when calling techniques can make the most significant difference. Bucks are highly responsive to calls during this time, as they are actively seeking out does for mating. Consider the following techniques:

  • Doe Estrus Bleats: Mimic the sound of a doe in estrus to attract bucks that are in search of a mate. This call can be highly effective during the rut.

  • Tending Grunts: Bucks emit tending grunts when they are closely following a doe in estrus. Using this call can attract a buck that's actively pursuing a mate.

  • Late Winter:

  • As the hunting season winds down, late winter can still provide opportunities for hunting. During this time, deer are more focused on finding food to survive the harsh conditions. Consider using feeding calls and distress calls to lure them in.

  • Deer calling is a valuable skill for any hunter looking to improve their success in the field. By understanding when and how to use different calls throughout the seasons, you can increase your chances of encountering deer and making the most of your hunting trips. "Find A Hunt" encourages you to practice these techniques, stay safe, and enjoy your deer hunting adventures year-round.