Blog / Deer Hunting Tactics for the Rut Season

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, December 05, 2023

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The rut season is undoubtedly one of the most exhilarating times for deer hunters across the country. It's a time when bucks are actively seeking does for mating, making them more visible and susceptible to hunters. To maximize your success during this exciting period, it's essential to employ effective deer hunting tactics. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we'll explore some proven strategies to help you make the most of your rut season hunts.

Understanding the Rut Season

The rut season, often referred to as the "rut," is a period when deer breeding activities are in full swing. This usually occurs during the fall, varying by region but typically between October and December. During the rut, bucks are preoccupied with finding receptive does, and their behaviors become more predictable.

Scout the Area

Effective deer hunting during the rut starts with scouting. Use trail cameras to monitor deer activity in your hunting area. Pay attention to the timing of deer movement and the specific trails and feeding areas they frequent. Knowing where the deer are will significantly increase your chances of success.

Find the Does

To locate bucks during the rut, find the does. Bucks will be actively pursuing them, so if you find a group of does, there's a good chance a buck is nearby. Look for signs of does like feeding areas, bedding spots, and travel routes. Once you locate does, be patient and wait for a buck to show up.

Use Calls and Scents

During the rut, deer communication is essential. Bucks use grunts, rattling, and scraping to attract does and challenge rival bucks. Utilize deer calls, rattling antlers, and scent lures to mimic these sounds and scents. This can draw curious bucks into your hunting area.

Hunt All Day

The rut doesn't follow a strict schedule, and bucks can be active at any time, even during daylight hours. Unlike other times of the year when deer tend to be more nocturnal, the rut season often sees increased daytime activity. Don't limit your hunting to just the early morning and late evening; consider staying out all day.

Be Patient

Patience is key during the rut. Bucks can be incredibly unpredictable during this time, and you may need to wait for hours before a suitable opportunity presents itself. Avoid unnecessary movement and noise, and stay vigilant.

Know the Wind

Pay attention to wind direction when selecting your hunting stand or blind location. Deer have a keen sense of smell, and hunting with the wind in your favor will help you avoid detection.


The rut season offers an exciting opportunity for deer hunters to pursue their passion and increase their chances of success. By scouting your hunting area, finding does, using calls and scents, hunting all day, being patient, and considering wind direction, you can significantly enhance your deer hunting experience during this special time of year. "Find A Hunt" encourages you to implement these tactics and make the most of your rut season hunts. Happy hunting!