Blog / Delaware's Coastal Plains: Techniques for Goose Hunting

By Connor Thomas
Friday, September 22, 2023

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  • Introduction:

  • Delaware's Coastal Plains offer some of the finest opportunities for goose hunting in the United States. With its diverse wetlands and waterfowl-rich habitats, this region has become a haven for avid hunters seeking the thrill of the chase. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we will explore the techniques and strategies that can help you make the most of your goose hunting experience in Delaware's Coastal Plains.

  • Understanding the Terrain:

  • Before embarking on your goose hunting adventure, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the terrain. Delaware's Coastal Plains encompass a variety of wetlands, marshes, and agricultural fields that geese frequent. Study maps and consult local experts to pinpoint prime hunting locations. Look for areas near water sources, feeding grounds, and roosting sites, as these are where geese are most likely to congregate.

  • Selecting the Right Gear:

  • Having the appropriate gear is crucial for successful goose hunting. Equip yourself with a reliable shotgun, preferably one with a 12-gauge or 10-gauge chamber to ensure sufficient firepower. Invest in quality decoys, such as full-body or shell decoys, to lure geese within shooting range. Don't forget to pack camouflaged clothing, waders, and blinds to help you blend into the environment and remain concealed from the keen eyes of these birds.

  • Mastering Calling Techniques:

  • Mastering calling techniques is a fundamental aspect of goose hunting. The two primary types of calls used are the goose call and the duck call. Goose calls mimic the sounds made by geese, such as honks and clucks, while duck calls replicate the quacks and other vocalizations of ducks. Practice your calling skills to create convincing and realistic sounds that will attract geese to your hunting setup.

  • Timing is Everything:

  • Timing plays a crucial role in goose hunting success. Early morning and late afternoon are typically the best times to hunt, as geese are most active during these hours. Additionally, pay attention to the weather conditions. Overcast, windy days are ideal, as they encourage geese to fly lower and are less likely to spot you in your hiding spot.

  • Setting Up Your Spread:

  • Setting up your decoy spread is an art in itself. Geese are social birds, and they prefer to land near other geese. Create a natural-looking spread that mimics a flock of feeding or resting geese. Arrange decoys in family groups with a mix of active and resting positions. Ensure that your spread is visible from the air to attract passing flocks.

  • Patience and Concealment:

  • Patience is a virtue in goose hunting. After setting up your decoy spread, remain motionless in your blind or cover. Geese have sharp eyesight and can detect even the slightest movement. Stay concealed, and avoid unnecessary noise. When you spot geese approaching, wait for them to commit to your decoys before taking your shots.

  • Safety First:

  • Safety should always be a top priority when hunting. Be aware of your surroundings, and ensure you have a clear and safe shooting lane. Never shoot at low-flying birds or over your decoy spread. Always follow firearm safety rules, and wear appropriate protective gear, including ear and eye protection.

  • Conclusion:

  • Delaware's Coastal Plains offer exceptional opportunities for goose hunting, and mastering the techniques mentioned above can greatly improve your chances of a successful hunt. Remember that hunting is not just about bagging a bird but also about enjoying the natural beauty and thrill of the sport. "Find A Hunt" wishes you a safe and rewarding hunting season in Delaware's Coastal Plains. Happy hunting!