Blog / Dove hunting in Arizona: What to know

By Connor Thomas
Monday, June 05, 2023

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Dove Hunting in Arizona: What to Know

Arizona is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and sportsmen, offering a diverse range of hunting opportunities. One such popular activity is dove hunting, which attracts hunters from all over the country. With its stunning landscapes, abundant wildlife, and favorable hunting regulations, Arizona provides an ideal environment for dove hunting. If you're planning to embark on a dove hunting adventure in Arizona, here's what you need to know.

Species and Season:

In Arizona, the primary species targeted by dove hunters are mourning doves and white-winged doves. Mourning doves are the most common and can be found throughout the state, while white-winged doves are more prevalent in southern Arizona. The dove hunting season typically begins on September 1st and lasts for approximately three weeks. However, it's crucial to check the Arizona Game and Fish Department's website for the latest updates on season dates and bag limits, as they may vary from year to year.

Licenses and Permits:

Before you can embark on your dove hunting adventure, you'll need to obtain the appropriate licenses and permits. In Arizona, residents and non-residents over the age of 10 must have a valid Arizona Hunting License, which can be purchased online or from authorized license dealers. Additionally, a Migratory Bird Stamp is required for hunting doves. Both licenses and stamps can be acquired through the Arizona Game and Fish Department's website or at their regional offices.

Regulations and Bag Limits:

To ensure the sustainability of the dove population and promote ethical hunting practices, Arizona has specific regulations and bag limits in place. Currently, the daily bag limit for mourning doves and white-winged doves is 15 birds in the aggregate, with a possession limit of 45 birds. However, it's important to note that these limits are subject to change, so it's crucial to review the latest regulations before heading out into the field.

Habitat and Locations:

Doves can be found in a variety of habitats across Arizona, including agricultural fields, desert washes, and mesquite-covered areas. They are known to gather around water sources, so locating watering holes can greatly increase your chances of success. Some popular dove hunting locations in Arizona include the Yuma Valley, the Sulphur Springs Valley, and the Tonto National Forest. However, exploring new areas and scouting beforehand can lead you to hidden gems where dove populations thrive.

Hunting Techniques and Gear:

Dove hunting can be an exciting and fast-paced experience, requiring specific techniques and gear. One common approach is to find a spot with good visibility and set up near a water source or a field where doves are feeding. Camouflage clothing, including a hat and face mask, can help you blend into the surroundings and stay concealed. Shotguns are the preferred firearms for dove hunting, with ammunition ranging from size 7.5 to 9 shot. It's essential to practice safe firearm handling and be aware of other hunters in the vicinity.

Preparation and Safety:

Before heading out for your dove hunting trip, it's important to be well-prepared and prioritize safety. Make sure to pack plenty of water, snacks, sunscreen, and insect repellent, as Arizona's desert climate can be unforgiving. Familiarize yourself with the area's topography and potential hazards, such as cacti and rattlesnakes. Always let someone know about your plans, including your expected return time, and carry a first aid kit in case of any minor injuries.

Conservation and Respect:

As responsible hunters, it's crucial to practice conservation and respect for the environment. Always follow the "Leave No Trace" principles and pick up any trash or litter you encounter. Avoid disturbing wildlife or damaging their habitats. Additionally,