Blog / Elk Calling Techniques in Pennsylvania's Elk Country

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 07, 2023

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Welcome to "Find A Hunt," your trusted source for hunting tips and advice. In this article, we'll delve into the exciting world of elk hunting in Pennsylvania's Elk Country and explore the essential elk calling techniques you need to know to increase your chances of a successful hunt.

Pennsylvania's Elk Country:

Pennsylvania is home to one of the most thriving elk populations in the eastern United States, and hunting in this region can be a rewarding experience for hunters looking to challenge themselves and connect with the natural world. Before we dive into elk calling techniques, let's learn a bit more about the Pennsylvania elk population.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission has worked diligently to reintroduce elk to the state since the early 20th century. Today, the population stands at over a thousand animals, making Pennsylvania a prime destination for elk hunting enthusiasts.

Elk Calling Basics:

Elk calling is a crucial skill for any elk hunter. Properly executed elk calls can attract these majestic animals into your hunting range, increasing your chances of a successful hunt. Here are some fundamental elk calling techniques to help you get started:


Bugling is the most iconic elk call, often associated with the rutting season when bulls are actively seeking mates. To mimic a bull elk's bugle, use a bugle tube or mouth diaphragm call. Practice different bugling sequences, including the long, high-pitched bugle to attract distant elk and the shorter, aggressive bugle to challenge other bulls.

Cow Calls:

Cow elk calls are used to mimic the sounds of female elk. These calls can attract both bulls looking for potential mates and other cows in the area. You can use various cow calls, such as mews, chirps, and estrus whines, to create a realistic scenario that will draw elk closer.

Location Calls:

Location calls are used to let elk know your presence and position in the area. A simple, soft cow mew or a lost calf call can reassure elk that another elk is nearby and curious. This can pique their interest and draw them closer to investigate.


Raking is a physical technique where you simulate the sound of a bull scraping its antlers against trees or brush. This can be an effective way to mimic the presence of a dominant bull in the area and potentially provoke other bulls into responding.

Timing and Patience:

Successful elk calling requires patience and timing. Remember that elk can be cautious, so don't overcall. Wait for a response before making additional calls. Timing your calls during the peak of the rut can also increase your chances of success.

Elk hunting in Pennsylvania's Elk Country offers a unique and thrilling experience for hunters. To maximize your success, mastering elk calling techniques is essential. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a beginner, the right elk calls and strategies can make all the difference in your hunt. So, equip yourself with the necessary skills, stay patient, and immerse yourself in the incredible world of elk hunting in Pennsylvania's Elk Country with "Find A Hunt." Happy hunting!