Blog / Elk hunting season in Montana: A comprehensive guide

By Connor Thomas
Friday, June 16, 2023

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Montana is a paradise for hunters, especially those seeking the thrill of elk hunting. With its vast wilderness, diverse landscapes, and abundant elk population, Montana offers an exceptional hunting experience. In this comprehensive guide, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we will delve into the essentials of elk hunting season in Montana, providing valuable information to ensure a successful and memorable hunting adventure.

Understanding Elk Hunting Seasons:

Montana's elk hunting seasons are divided into archery, general rifle, and limited rifle seasons. The specific dates for each season vary from year to year, so it's crucial to stay updated with the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) regulations. These seasons are carefully planned to manage elk populations while offering hunters ample opportunities to pursue their passion.

Regulations and Licensing:

Before embarking on an elk hunting expedition in Montana, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the state's regulations and licensing requirements. Hunters must possess a valid Montana hunting license and obtain the appropriate elk hunting permit. The FWP website provides detailed information on licensing procedures, application deadlines, fees, and any additional special permits or tags required.

Selecting the Right Hunting Area:

Montana boasts a diverse range of hunting areas, each with its unique terrain, elk densities, and accessibility. When planning your elk hunting trip, consider factors such as public versus private land, hunting pressure, and the presence of elk herds. Researching online resources, contacting local wildlife agencies, and consulting experienced hunters can help you identify the ideal hunting area that aligns with your preferences and goals.

Equipment and Gear:

Proper equipment and gear are crucial for a successful elk hunt. Ensure you have a reliable rifle or bow, suitable ammunition or arrows, a high-quality scope, and adequate camouflage clothing. Additionally, pack essential items such as a GPS device, binoculars, a survival kit, appropriate footwear, game bags, and a sturdy backpack to carry your supplies comfortably throughout the hunt.

Understanding Elk Behavior and Habits:

To increase your chances of a successful hunt, it is essential to understand elk behavior and habits. Elk are highly adaptable animals, but they typically favor specific habitats, food sources, and travel routes. Familiarize yourself with their preferred terrain, mating patterns, feeding areas, and migration routes. This knowledge will enable you to strategize and plan your hunting approach effectively.

Hunting Techniques and Strategies:

Elk hunting in Montana offers various techniques and strategies, including spot-and-stalk, calling, rattling, and still-hunting. Each method requires a different skill set and level of patience. Research and practice different techniques before your hunting trip, and consider engaging a professional guide to enhance your chances of success. Guides possess valuable local knowledge and can assist in navigating the terrain and locating elk herds.

Safety and Ethics:

Safety should always be a top priority while hunting. Ensure you have a clear understanding of firearm safety rules and carry out regular safety checks. Practice ethical hunting by respecting wildlife, fellow hunters, and landowners. Adhere to Montana's hunting regulations and obtain permission before accessing private land. Remember to leave no trace and contribute to the conservation of Montana's natural resources.


Montana offers a remarkable elk hunting experience, blending breathtaking landscapes, abundant wildlife, and thrilling adventures. By understanding the elk hunting seasons, adhering to regulations, and acquiring the necessary licenses, you can embark on a successful and responsible hunting expedition in the Treasure State. Remember, proper planning, knowledge of elk behavior, and adherence to safety measures are key to an unforgettable and rewarding elk hunting season in Montana.

About Find A Hunt:

Find A Hunt is a leading platform dedicated to connecting hunters with the best hunting experiences across the United States