Blog / Elusive Elk: Calling Strategies in Oregon

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, November 07, 2023

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Hunting for elk in Oregon can be an exhilarating experience, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Elk are known for their elusive nature and keen senses, making them a prized target for hunters. To increase your chances of a successful hunt, mastering calling strategies is essential. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we will delve into effective elk calling strategies that can help you bring these majestic animals within range.

Understanding Elk Behavior:

Before we dive into calling strategies, it's crucial to have a basic understanding of elk behavior. Elk are social animals that communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations. During the hunting season, they are often responsive to calls that mimic their natural vocalizations. By imitating these sounds, hunters can pique the curiosity or draw in bulls in search of potential mates or competitors.

Calling Strategies:


Bugling is perhaps the most iconic elk call. It imitates the loud, haunting bugle of a bull elk during the rutting season, which typically occurs in September. This call is primarily used to attract bulls, as they are territorial and may respond to the challenge or the potential for mating. Mastering the bugle is essential for any serious elk hunter.

Cow Calls:

Cow calls are effective for drawing in both bulls and cows. They mimic the sounds made by female elk and can elicit curiosity from bulls searching for receptive cows. Cow calls include mews, chirps, and estrous whines. Learning to use cow calls effectively can help you create a convincing scenario for elk to investigate.

Locator Calls:

Locator calls are used to pinpoint the location of elk. They mimic the sounds of other animals or natural noises that elk are curious about, such as coyote howls or crow caws. Once you've located a group of elk, you can switch to other calls to draw them closer.

Estrus Calls:

Estrus calls are particularly useful during the peak of the rut when bulls are actively seeking mates. These calls imitate the sounds of a cow in estrus and can drive bulls into a frenzy, making them easier to approach.


In addition to vocal calls, physical actions like raking can also attract elk. Raking imitates the sound of a bull elk scraping his antlers against trees and vegetation. This can signal dominance and draw curious bulls into your area.

Stealth and Patience:

While calling is a crucial aspect of elk hunting, don't forget the importance of stealth and patience. Elk have excellent senses of smell and hearing, so it's essential to move quietly and remain concealed. Wait for the perfect shot opportunity, and remember that patience can be the key to success.

Elk hunting in Oregon can be a rewarding and challenging pursuit. To increase your chances of success, mastering various calling strategies is essential. Whether you're using bugles, cow calls, locator calls, estrus calls, or physical techniques like raking, practice and patience will be your allies. Remember, the thrill of the hunt lies not only in the harvest but in the experience itself. Good luck, and may your next elk hunt with "Find A Hunt" be a memorable one!