Blog / Essential Bear Hunting Tactics in Maine

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, July 05, 2023

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Maine offers breathtaking landscapes and a thriving bear population, making it an ideal destination for bear hunting enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a novice looking to embark on your first bear hunting expedition, mastering the essential tactics will significantly enhance your chances of success. In this article, we will explore key strategies and tips for bear hunting in Maine, brought to you by Find A Hunt, your trusted resource for unforgettable hunting experiences.

Scouting and Locating Bear Territory:

Before venturing into the Maine wilderness, it's crucial to conduct thorough scouting to identify areas where bears frequent. Start by examining maps, trail camera footage, and local knowledge to pinpoint the most promising locations. Look for signs such as tracks, scat, and claw marks on trees to determine bear activity. Key areas to focus on include food sources, water bodies, and well-traveled game trails.

Timing and Season Considerations:

Understanding the timing and seasons for bear hunting in Maine is vital for a successful hunt. The prime bear hunting season in Maine typically begins in late August and extends into September. This period aligns with the bear's hyperphagia phase when they actively feed in preparation for winter hibernation. By hunting during this time, you increase your chances of encountering bears focused on feeding.

Baiting and Ambush Strategies:

Baiting is a popular and effective technique for bear hunting in Maine. Obtain the necessary permits and set up bait stations strategically in areas with high bear activity. Use attractants such as sweets, meats, and greases to lure bears to the bait. Establishing well-concealed ground blinds or tree stands nearby will allow you to observe and wait for the perfect shot opportunity.

Effective Calling Techniques:

Calling can be an effective method to attract bears, especially during the breeding season. Using calls that mimic bear vocalizations such as huffs, woofs, and moans can pique their curiosity and draw them towards your location. Familiarize yourself with various calling techniques and practice to create authentic sounds that resonate with bears in the area.

Tracking and Stalking Skills:

Mastering tracking and stalking techniques is essential for bear hunting. Bears leave noticeable tracks and signs that can be followed, leading you to their location. Maintain stealth while tracking, keeping an eye out for fresh tracks and other indicators of recent bear activity. Stalking bears requires patience, quiet movement, and careful observation of their behavior to close the distance for a successful shot.

Shot Placement and Firearm Selection:

When it comes to bear hunting, shot placement is critical to ensuring ethical kills. Bears have a robust skeletal structure and thick hides, necessitating precise shot placement for a clean and humane takedown. Aim for vital organs, such as the heart and lungs, to maximize effectiveness. Select a firearm suitable for bear hunting, such as a powerful rifle chambered in a caliber capable of delivering sufficient stopping power.


As you prepare for your bear hunting expedition in Maine, remember that mastering essential tactics is key to a successful and rewarding experience. Proper scouting, understanding the timing and seasons, baiting, effective calling, tracking and stalking, and shot placement are all vital elements of a well-executed hunt. Trust in Find A Hunt to provide you with the resources and expertise to plan and execute your next unforgettable bear hunting adventure in Maine. Happy hunting!