Blog / Essential Survival Skills for Hunters

By Connor Thomas
Monday, November 13, 2023

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Hunting is an age-old tradition that has provided sustenance and sport for generations. However, whether you're a seasoned hunter or a beginner, one thing is certain: the great outdoors can be unpredictable, and being prepared with essential survival skills is crucial for a successful and safe hunting experience. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we'll explore the key survival skills every hunter should possess to ensure they can navigate the challenges of the wilderness.

Navigation Skills:

Navigating through the wilderness is paramount for hunters. GPS devices and smartphone apps can be helpful, but they can fail or run out of battery. Learn to use a map and compass to find your way in unfamiliar terrain. Familiarize yourself with local landmarks, trails, and natural features to avoid getting lost.


Fire is essential for warmth, cooking, and signaling for help. Hunters should carry fire-starting tools like waterproof matches, lighters, or fire starters. Learning how to build a fire using natural materials found in the wild is also a valuable skill.

Shelter Building:

Knowing how to construct a temporary shelter can protect you from extreme weather conditions. Learn to make simple lean-tos, debris huts, or tarp shelters using materials readily available in your hunting area.

Water Procurement:

Access to clean water is crucial for survival. Hunters should carry a water filtration system, purification tablets, or learn how to purify water using boiling methods. Identifying natural water sources and understanding their safety is essential.

First Aid:

Accidents can happen in the field. Having a well-stocked first-aid kit and the knowledge to use it can make a significant difference in a medical emergency. Basic first aid skills like wound cleaning, splinting, and CPR can save lives.

Hunting Equipment:

Ensure your hunting gear is in good working condition. Regularly maintain your firearms, knives, and other tools to avoid malfunctions in the field. Familiarize yourself with the functions of your equipment and know how to make basic repairs.

Food Procurement:

While hunting, knowing how to track and identify game, as well as field dressing and preparing meat, is essential for providing sustenance. Additionally, knowing which plants are edible can supplement your diet.

Signal for Help:

In case of an emergency, signaling for help is crucial. Learn how to use signaling devices like whistles, signal mirrors, or even fire to attract the attention of rescuers. Carry a personal locator beacon (PLB) or satellite messenger for more reliable communication.

Wildlife Awareness:

Understanding the behavior of wildlife in your hunting area can help you avoid dangerous encounters. Know how to react when encountering predators or other potentially harmful animals. Keep your distance and respect their space.

Hunting is not just about tracking and harvesting game; it's about being prepared for the unexpected challenges that nature can throw your way. With the essential survival skills mentioned in this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," you can ensure a safer and more enjoyable hunting experience. Remember, being prepared can make all the difference when you're out in the wild. Stay safe, and happy hunting!