Blog / Field Care and Processing of Big Game Meat

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

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As a hunter, the satisfaction of harvesting big game doesn't end in the field. Properly caring for and processing the meat ensures that your hard-earned bounty is preserved and enjoyed to its fullest potential. At Find A Hunt, we understand the importance of these steps, which is why we've compiled essential tips for field care and processing of big game meat.

Field Care:

Quick Cooling: After harvesting your big game, it's crucial to cool the meat promptly. This prevents spoilage and preserves its quality. Remove the entrails as soon as possible and allow air to circulate around the carcass.

Protect from Contaminants: Keep the meat clean and protected from dirt, debris, and insects. Consider using game bags or clean cloths to cover the carcass.

Proper Quartering: Depending on the size of the game and your transportation capabilities, quartering the animal in the field may be necessary. This facilitates easier handling and transport while ensuring the meat stays fresh.


Skinning and Deboning: Once the meat has been transported to a suitable processing area, begin by skinning the animal and removing the meat from the bones. Take care to trim away any excess fat, connective tissue, or damaged portions.

Cooling Again: After deboning, it's essential to cool the meat once more to prevent bacterial growth. Consider placing it in a cooler with ice packs or in a refrigerator set to a low temperature.

Packaging and Freezing: Divide the meat into manageable portions and vacuum-seal or wrap tightly in butcher paper. Label each package with the date and type of meat before placing it in the freezer. Proper packaging helps maintain freshness and prevents freezer burn.

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In conclusion, proper field care and processing of big game meat are essential steps in maximizing the enjoyment of your hunting experience. By following these guidelines and utilizing the resources available on Find A Hunt, you can ensure that your hard-earned harvest is preserved and savored for months to come. Happy hunting!

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