Blog / Field Care of Bear Trophies: Tips for Preserving Your Hunt

By Connor Thomas
Monday, April 08, 2024

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  • Introduction:

  • Bagging a bear is a remarkable achievement for any hunter, and preserving the trophy properly is essential to commemorate the hunt's success. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or new to the sport, proper field care of bear trophies is crucial. Here are some valuable tips to ensure your bear trophy remains a cherished memory for years to come.

  • Field Dressing:

  • Immediately after harvesting a bear, it's vital to begin field dressing. This process involves removing the internal organs to prevent bacteria from spoiling the meat and compromising the trophy. Remember to wear gloves and take necessary precautions to avoid contamination. Proper field dressing also aids in preserving the hide for mounting.

  • Cooling Down:

  • After field dressing, it's crucial to cool down the carcass as soon as possible. This prevents the meat from spoiling and preserves the quality of the hide. If hunting in warm weather, consider packing the carcass with ice or transporting it to a cooler environment promptly.

  • Skinning:

  • Carefully skinning the bear is essential for preserving the hide. Take your time and use sharp tools to avoid damaging the skin. Start from the legs and work your way up, paying close attention to detail around the head and paws. Properly skinned hides are easier to prepare for mounting or tanning.

  • Salt Preservation:

  • Salt is an excellent agent for preserving bear hides. After skinning, generously apply non-iodized salt to the flesh side of the hide. This helps draw out moisture and inhibits bacterial growth. Allow the salt to penetrate the hide for several hours before shaking off excess salt and repeating the process if necessary.

  • Proper Storage:

  • Once the hide is salted, store it in a cool, dry place until ready for further processing. Avoid exposing the hide to direct sunlight or moisture, as this can cause damage and promote decay. If storing for an extended period, consider wrapping the hide in breathable material such as burlap to protect it from dust and pests.

  • Conclusion:

  • Preserving a bear trophy requires careful attention to detail and proper field care techniques. By following these tips, you can ensure your bear trophy remains a lasting symbol of your hunting prowess. Remember, the memories of the hunt are just as valuable as the trophy itself.

  • Don't forget to check out the hunting outfitters listed on Find A Hunt across America for your next hunting adventure!

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