Blog / First Aid in the Field: Safety Tips Every Hunter Should Know

By Connor Thomas
Monday, September 11, 2023

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Hunting is a thrilling outdoor activity that connects individuals with nature and provides the opportunity to test their skills. However, it also comes with inherent risks, making it crucial for every hunter to be well-prepared for unexpected situations. In this article, brought to you by "Find A Hunt," we'll explore essential first aid tips that every hunter should know to ensure a safe and enjoyable hunting experience.

Carry a Well-Stocked First Aid Kit:

A well-equipped first aid kit is the foundation of hunting safety. It should include bandages, antiseptic wipes, gauze, tweezers, scissors, adhesive tape, and any personal medications. Ensure your kit is readily accessible in your hunting pack.

Know How to Stop Bleeding:

In the event of an injury, knowing how to stop bleeding is vital. Use clean cloth, gauze, or your hand to apply pressure directly to the wound. Elevate the injured area if possible and maintain pressure until bleeding stops or medical help arrives.

Recognize Signs of Hypothermia:

Hypothermia is a real threat during cold-weather hunts. Watch for symptoms like shivering, confusion, and difficulty speaking. Dress warmly, layer your clothing, and always carry extra clothing in case of unexpected temperature drops.

Prevent and Treat Dehydration:

Staying hydrated is critical in any outdoor activity. Carry plenty of water and electrolyte-rich drinks. If you or a hunting buddy show signs of dehydration, such as excessive thirst, dizziness, or dark urine, stop hunting immediately and rehydrate.

Snakebite Safety:

In areas where venomous snakes are present, be cautious when walking through tall grass or rocky terrain. If bitten, immobilize the affected limb, keep it at or slightly below heart level, and seek immediate medical attention.

Handle Firearms Safely:

Accidents involving firearms can be catastrophic. Always treat every firearm as if it's loaded and keep it pointed in a safe direction. When not in use, store firearms securely.

Know Your Allergies:

If you have allergies to insect stings, certain plants, or food, ensure you have the necessary medications with you. Also, inform your hunting companions about your allergies so they can assist in case of an allergic reaction.

Basic CPR and AED Training:

Every hunter should consider taking a basic CPR and AED (Automated External Defibrillator) course. In remote hunting areas, quick response to cardiac emergencies can be the difference between life and death.

Communication Devices:

Invest in reliable communication devices like satellite phones or two-way radios to stay in touch with your hunting party and call for help if needed.

Plan for Emergencies:

Before heading into the field, share your hunting plan with someone who will not be on the trip. Include details like your location, expected return time, and emergency contacts.


Hunting is a cherished pastime, but it comes with inherent risks. By following these essential first aid and safety tips, you can minimize those risks and ensure a safer and more enjoyable hunting experience. Remember, being prepared is the key to a successful hunt, and "Find A Hunt" is here to support you every step of the way. Happy hunting and stay safe!