Blog / Fox hunting strategies

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, May 25, 2023

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Fox hunting is a popular and challenging sport enjoyed by hunters around the world. It requires skill, knowledge, and careful planning to effectively track and pursue these elusive creatures. In this article, we will explore some essential fox hunting strategies that can help hunters improve their success rate in the field. Whether you're a novice or an experienced hunter, these tips will provide valuable insights to enhance your hunting experience. Join us as we delve into the world of fox hunting strategies, brought to you by Find A Hunt.

Scout and Study:

Before embarking on a fox hunting expedition, it is crucial to scout the hunting area and study the behavior and habitat of foxes. Familiarize yourself with the terrain, identify potential den sites, and learn about their feeding and breeding patterns. Knowledge of the fox's preferences and routines will give you a significant advantage when planning your hunting strategy.

Tracking and Trailing:

Tracking and trailing techniques are fundamental to successful fox hunting. Invest in quality tracking equipment such as GPS devices or traditional methods like footprints and scat. Following fresh tracks can lead you to the fox's current location. Pay attention to signs like broken vegetation or fur snagged on branches, indicating recent activity. Maintaining stealth while tracking is crucial, as foxes have a keen sense of hearing and sight.

Effective Calls:

Using fox calls is an essential aspect of fox hunting, as it helps to attract foxes within range. Mastering different fox vocalizations, such as distress calls or mating calls, can lure them closer, increasing your chances of a successful hunt. Practice these calls beforehand to ensure your technique is accurate and realistic.

Concealment and Camouflage:

Foxes are known for their sharp senses, making it imperative for hunters to blend into their surroundings effectively. Invest in appropriate camouflage clothing and accessories that match the environment you will be hunting in. Use natural cover, such as bushes or trees, to hide your presence. Minimize noise and movement to avoid alerting foxes to your position.

Hunting with Dogs:

Traditionally, fox hunting has involved the use of hunting dogs, specifically trained for this purpose. Dogs can aid in tracking, flushing, and cornering foxes, making the hunt more efficient. Utilize breeds that are well-suited for fox hunting, such as Foxhounds or Terriers. Ensure your dogs are well-trained and disciplined to avoid any unintended consequences during the hunt.

Time and Weather Considerations:

Choosing the right time and weather conditions can significantly impact your fox hunting success. Foxes are most active during dawn and dusk, so plan your hunting trips accordingly. Overcast days with light wind are optimal, as foxes tend to be more cautious during clear, bright weather. Be mindful of wind direction, as foxes have a strong sense of smell and can detect human scent easily.

Patience and Persistence:

Fox hunting requires patience and persistence. It is important to stay focused, remain calm, and avoid rushing into hasty decisions. Foxes are intelligent creatures, and the hunt may not always go as planned. Adapt to changing situations, and be prepared to invest time and effort to achieve your hunting goals.


Mastering fox hunting strategies is an ongoing process that combines knowledge, experience, and a deep understanding of these cunning creatures. By employing effective tracking techniques, utilizing calls, practicing concealment, and utilizing other essential strategies, hunters can increase their chances of success in the field. Remember, ethical hunting practices and conservation efforts should always be upheld while pursuing this exhilarating sport. Happy hunting from Find A Hunt!