Blog / From Hunting to Table: Game Meat Cooking Techniques and Recipes

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, August 10, 2023

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Hunting is more than just a sport; it's a way of connecting with nature, honing your skills, and bringing food to the table. For those who enjoy the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of preparing their own meals, game meat offers a unique culinary experience. In this article, we delve into the art of cooking game meat, exploring various techniques and sharing delicious recipes to elevate your hunting adventures from the field to the dining table.

1. The Basics of Game Meat Cooking:

Game meat, such as venison, wild boar, and pheasant, presents a distinct flavor profile due to the animals' natural diets and active lifestyles. Before you start cooking, it's crucial to understand a few basics:

a. Field Dressing: Proper field dressing is essential to ensure the quality of the meat. Quick and careful field dressing prevents spoilage and helps preserve the meat's natural flavors.

b. Aging: Allowing the meat to age for a few days in controlled conditions helps tenderize it and intensify the flavors.

2. Cooking Techniques for Game Meat:

Game meat can be leaner and more flavorful than traditional meats, but it requires specific techniques to achieve the best results.

a. Marinating: Marinating game meat before cooking not only enhances its tenderness but also infuses it with complementary flavors. Opt for acidic marinades with ingredients like vinegar, wine, or citrus juices.

b. Slow Cooking: Due to its lean nature, game meat benefits greatly from slow cooking methods. Braising or slow roasting at low temperatures helps break down tough fibers, resulting in tender and succulent dishes.

c. Searing: Searing is a fantastic way to lock in juices and create a flavorful crust on the meat's exterior. Preheat a pan until it's hot, add a high smoke point oil, and sear the meat briefly on each side before finishing it in the oven.

d. Grilling: Grilling game meat requires a delicate balance between achieving a good sear and avoiding overcooking. Use indirect heat to prevent drying out the meat and consider using a meat thermometer to monitor the internal temperature.

3. Delectable Game Meat Recipes:

a. Venison Medallions with Berry Reduction:


Venison medallions

Salt and pepper

Olive oil

Mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)

Red wine

Balsamic vinegar


Season venison medallions with salt and pepper.

Heat olive oil in a pan and sear the medallions for 2-3 minutes on each side. Set aside.

In the same pan, add mixed berries, a splash of red wine, and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. Simmer until the berries break down and the sauce thickens.

Serve the venison medallions with the berry reduction sauce.

b. Wild Boar Stew:


Wild boar meat, cubed

Onion, diced

Carrots, chopped

Celery, chopped

Garlic, minced

Red wine

Beef or game broth

Rosemary and thyme

Salt and pepper


In a large pot, sauté onions, carrots, celery, and garlic until softened.

Add cubed wild boar meat and brown on all sides.

Pour in red wine and let it simmer to reduce slightly.

Add enough broth to cover the meat, and toss in rosemary and thyme.

Simmer the stew on low heat for several hours until the meat is tender.

Season with salt and pepper before serving.

In Conclusion:

Hunting offers a connection to nature that extends to the dining table. Mastering game meat cooking techniques allows hunters to fully appreciate their harvests and create memorable, flavorful dishes. Whether you're grilling a venison steak or slow-cooking wild boar stew, the rewards of your hunting adventure are truly showcased in the delicious meals you prepare. Enjoy the journey from hunting to table with Find A Hunt as your guide to an unforgettable culinary experience.