Blog / Game hunting in Hawaii: What to expect

By Connor Thomas
Friday, June 16, 2023

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Hawaii, often renowned for its breathtaking beaches and stunning landscapes, also offers an exciting hunting experience for enthusiasts. With its unique ecosystem and diverse wildlife, the islands provide a variety of game hunting opportunities. In this article, we will explore what to expect when game hunting in Hawaii, allowing you to make the most of your hunting adventure with Find A Hunt.

Game Species:

Hawaii is home to several game species that attract hunters from around the world. The most prominent game animals include feral pigs, mouflon sheep, axis deer, and wild goats. These species were introduced to the islands for various reasons and have since established sustainable populations, providing thrilling hunting opportunities.

Hunting Seasons and Regulations:

To ensure the sustainability of wildlife populations and promote responsible hunting, Hawaii has established specific hunting seasons and regulations. Each game species has designated seasons, which vary throughout the year. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with the hunting seasons and regulations for the species you wish to pursue. Find A Hunt can provide valuable assistance in understanding the rules and obtaining the necessary licenses and permits.

Hunting Techniques:

Hunting in Hawaii offers a wide range of techniques to pursue game species. Spot-and-stalk is a popular method, where hunters locate animals, assess their behavior, and carefully approach for a successful shot. Hunting from blinds or tree stands is also common, particularly for feral pigs and goats. Additionally, hunting with well-trained dogs is an effective approach for tracking and flushing out game.

Terrain and Challenges:

Hawaii's unique terrain poses both challenges and rewards for hunters. The islands offer a diverse landscape, ranging from lush rainforests to rugged mountains and coastal regions. Navigating through dense vegetation, crossing streams, and trekking steep slopes may be part of your hunting experience. It is essential to be physically prepared and equipped with appropriate gear, including sturdy boots, navigation tools, and hunting essentials.

Safety Considerations:

When engaging in any hunting activity, safety should be a top priority. Hawaii's terrain, though breathtaking, can be unpredictable. It is crucial to follow safety guidelines, including firearm safety, proper handling of equipment, and awareness of your surroundings. Additionally, being prepared for changing weather conditions and carrying essential first aid supplies is highly recommended.

Accommodations and Local Resources:

Finding suitable accommodations near your hunting grounds is essential for a comfortable and convenient experience. Hawaii offers a variety of options, including lodges, cabins, and campsites, depending on your preferences. Local outfitters and guides, such as Find A Hunt, can provide valuable assistance in arranging accommodations, transportation, and guiding services to optimize your hunting adventure.


Game hunting in Hawaii offers a unique and memorable experience for hunting enthusiasts. From feral pigs to axis deer, the diverse game species and picturesque landscapes make Hawaii a desirable hunting destination. By understanding the game species, hunting seasons, and regulations, and being prepared for the challenges and safety considerations, you can embark on an exciting hunting adventure. Find A Hunt is here to assist you in planning your hunting trip to Hawaii, ensuring a rewarding experience in this tropical paradise. Happy hunting!