Blog / Georgia's Plantation Quail Hunts: Legacy of the South

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, September 05, 2023

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Chasing the King Eider: Alaska's Ultimate Waterfowl Hunt

The rugged wilderness of Alaska is a paradise for hunting enthusiasts seeking the thrill of pursuing game in one of the most pristine and challenging environments on the planet. Among the numerous hunting opportunities in the Last Frontier, one stands out as the ultimate waterfowl pursuit – the hunt for the elusive King Eider. In this article, we delve into the world of Alaska's premier waterfowl hunt, guided by the expertise of Find A Hunt, a leading company that specializes in providing unforgettable hunting experiences.

The King Eider: Majesty in Flight

The King Eider, a majestic sea duck, is renowned for its striking appearance and its preference for remote Arctic and sub-Arctic coastal waters. Distinguished by its vibrant plumage and distinctive large, colorful bill, the King Eider presents a challenge and reward that few other waterfowl hunts can match. While their stunning beauty captures the attention of hunters, it's their elusive nature and their residence in challenging environments that make them the ultimate prize.

Alaska: The Ideal Habitat

Alaska's unique geographical features make it an ideal habitat for the King Eider. Its vast coastline, dotted with rocky shores, tidal flats, and sheltered bays, provides an abundance of feeding areas and protective nesting sites. These conditions attract thousands of King Eiders during their migration, creating an opportunity for hunters to immerse themselves in an unparalleled waterfowl hunting experience.

Find A Hunt: Your Guide to Adventure

When it comes to embarking on a King Eider hunt, partnering with the right outfitter can make all the difference. Find A Hunt, a renowned company specializing in connecting hunters with their dream expeditions, is at the forefront of facilitating exceptional waterfowl hunting experiences in Alaska.

Led by a team of experienced professionals who understand the intricacies of hunting in Alaska's challenging conditions, Find A Hunt takes care of all the logistical details, from travel arrangements to lodging and gear. Their guides possess an in-depth knowledge of the King Eider's habits and behavior, ensuring that hunters have the best chance of success.

The Experience of a Lifetime

The King Eider hunt isn't just about the pursuit of game; it's about immersing oneself in the breathtaking landscapes and wildlife of Alaska. As hunters venture out on boats across the frigid waters, they witness not only the grace of the King Eider but also the awe-inspiring sights of glaciers, towering mountains, and perhaps even the occasional glimpse of a majestic whale.

Conservation and Sustainability

Find A Hunt is committed to responsible hunting practices and conservation efforts. They work closely with local authorities and organizations to ensure that hunting is conducted ethically and sustainably, preserving the delicate balance of Alaska's ecosystems. By adhering to strict bag limits and promoting the Leave No Trace principles, hunters can enjoy the thrill of the chase while contributing to the preservation of these remarkable species and their habitats.


For those seeking the pinnacle of waterfowl hunting experiences, the King Eider hunt in Alaska with Find A Hunt is a must-consider adventure. It's a journey that combines the thrill of the chase, the beauty of the natural world, and the expertise of dedicated professionals who are passionate about making your dream hunt a reality. As you prepare for this ultimate waterfowl pursuit, remember that Find A Hunt is your gateway to an unforgettable Alaskan hunting experience.