Blog / Getting Your Game Mount-Ready: Trophy Preparation Tips

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

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  • Hunting is not just about the thrill of the chase; it's also about preserving the memory of a successful hunt through trophy preparation. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a novice, ensuring that your game is mount-ready is crucial to commemorating your achievements. In this article, we'll discuss trophy preparation tips that will help you showcase your hunting prowess with pride. Brought to you by "Find A Hunt," your trusted source for hunting adventures.

  • Field Dressing

  • The trophy preparation process begins immediately after the hunt. Field dressing is the first step in ensuring that your game is mount-worthy. It involves removing the internal organs and entrails of the animal to prevent the growth of bacteria and preserve the hide.

  • To perform field dressing effectively:

  • Use sharp, clean knives to avoid contamination.

  • Wear gloves to protect yourself from pathogens.

  • Make an incision from the sternum to the pelvic bone.

  • Carefully remove the organs.

  • Clean the cavity thoroughly with clean water.

  • Keep the hide clean and dry to prevent spoilage.

  • Quick Cooling

  • After field dressing, it's essential to cool the carcass as soon as possible. This prevents the meat from spoiling and ensures the hide remains in good condition. The ideal temperature for storing game is between 34°F and 37°F.

  • Consider these cooling tips:

  • Hang the game in a cool, well-ventilated area.

  • Elevate the carcass to allow air circulation.

  • Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight.

  • Place bags of ice in the body cavity if necessary.

  • Proper Skinning

  • Once the game is cool, it's time to skin it properly. Skinning is a delicate process that requires skill and precision. To ensure the hide remains intact:

  • Make incisions along the legs and back.

  • Carefully peel the hide away from the body.

  • Take your time to avoid cuts or tears.

  • Remove any excess fat and tissue from the hide.

  • Keep the hide clean and dry throughout the process.

  • Salt and Dry the Hide

  • Preserving the hide is crucial for a successful mount. After skinning, rub a generous amount of non-iodized salt onto the flesh side of the hide. This helps draw moisture away and prevents bacterial growth. Hang the hide in a well-ventilated area to dry, ensuring it's out of direct sunlight.

  • Choose a Qualified Taxidermist

  • When it comes to mounting your trophy, it's best to entrust the job to a professional taxidermist. They have the expertise and experience needed to create a lifelike and impressive mount. Look for a taxidermist who specializes in the type of game you've hunted and ask for references or examples of their work.

  • Proper Documentation

  • Finally, ensure you have all the necessary documentation for your trophy. This includes hunting permits, tags, and any required export or import permits if you plan to transport your trophy across state or international borders. Proper documentation is essential to avoid legal issues.

  • Preparing your game for mounting is a crucial part of the hunting experience. By following these trophy preparation tips, you'll ensure that your hunting achievements are preserved with care and attention to detail. Remember, "Find A Hunt" is here to help you plan your next hunting adventure and make the most of your hunting experiences. Happy hunting!