Blog / Goose Hunting in the Great Plains: Tactics and Gear

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, June 04, 2024

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For avid hunters, the vast expanse of the Great Plains offers a prime hunting ground for geese. With its expansive fields and wetlands, this region teems with opportunities for goose hunting enthusiasts. However, mastering the art of goose hunting requires more than just showing up; it demands strategic planning, the right gear, and a thorough understanding of the quarry's behavior.


Scout the Terrain:

Before setting out on your goose hunting expedition, familiarize yourself with the terrain. Geese are creatures of habit and tend to frequent specific areas, such as fields or bodies of water. Use binoculars to scout for feeding grounds, roosting sites, and flight patterns.

Concealment is Key:

Geese have keen eyesight, so concealment is crucial for a successful hunt. Utilize natural cover like brush, tall grass, or layout blinds to blend into your surroundings. Camouflage clothing and face paint can also help you remain undetected.

Decoy Setup:

A well-placed decoy spread can lure geese within shooting range. Experiment with different decoy patterns, including feeding and resting poses, to mimic a natural flock. Consider wind direction when positioning your decoys, as geese prefer to land into the wind.

Calling Techniques:

Mastering goose calls is essential for attracting birds to your hunting area. Practice various calls, such as honks, clucks, and moans, to imitate different vocalizations. Pay attention to the cadence and rhythm of your calls, as well as the volume, to create a realistic sound.



Selecting the right shotgun is paramount for goose hunting. Opt for a 12-gauge or 10-gauge shotgun with a modified or full choke for optimal range and pattern density. Consider factors like weight, barrel length, and recoil when choosing your firearm.


Choose high-quality ammunition suited for goose hunting, such as steel or tungsten loads. Ensure your shotgun is properly chambered for the ammunition size and gauge to achieve maximum effectiveness.

Camouflage Clothing:

Blend into your environment with camouflage clothing designed for hunting. Invest in insulated apparel to stay warm during early morning hunts, and consider layering for versatility in changing weather conditions.

With the right tactics and gear, goose hunting in the Great Plains can be a rewarding experience for hunters of all skill levels. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a novice enthusiast, the thrill of the hunt awaits amidst the sprawling landscapes of the American heartland.

Ready to embark on your next hunting adventure? Explore a wide range of hunting outfitters across America listed on Find A Hunt. Visit our website today to find the perfect hunting experience tailored to your preferences.

Remember, safety and respect for wildlife are paramount during every hunting excursion. Happy hunting!