Blog / Guide to Public Land Hunting in Utah: Best Practices

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, July 05, 2023

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Hunting on public land in Utah offers a unique and rewarding experience for outdoor enthusiasts. With its diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife, the state provides ample opportunities for hunters of all skill levels. This guide, presented by Find A Hunt, will provide valuable insights and best practices to help you make the most of your public land hunting adventure in Utah.

Research and Planning:

Before embarking on your hunting trip, thorough research and planning are essential. Start by identifying the specific public lands in Utah where hunting is permitted. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) website and local field offices are excellent resources for obtaining information on hunting regulations, licensing requirements, and available hunting units.

Obtain the Required Licenses and Permits:

To hunt legally in Utah, you must possess the appropriate licenses and permits. The DWR issues various licenses, including general season tags, limited-entry tags, and conservation permits. Make sure to review the regulations carefully, as they may vary depending on the species you intend to hunt.

Safety First:

Prioritize safety throughout your hunting expedition. Always carry essential safety gear, including a hunter orange vest or hat to ensure visibility to other hunters. Familiarize yourself with firearm safety rules and practice responsible handling and storage of firearms. Additionally, inform a trusted friend or family member about your hunting plans and expected return time.

Understand the Wildlife:

Utah boasts a diverse range of wildlife, including elk, deer, moose, bighorn sheep, and various upland game birds. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the habits, behavior, and habitat preferences of your target species. This knowledge will aid in scouting, tracking, and increasing your chances of a successful hunt.

Scout the Hunting Area:

Prior to your hunting trip, visit the public land you plan to hunt and conduct thorough scouting. Familiarize yourself with the terrain, identifying key features such as water sources, feeding areas, and bedding locations. Understanding the land will allow you to strategize your approach and increase your chances of encountering game.

Practice Ethical Hunting:

Utah's public land offers a sustainable hunting environment, and it's crucial to maintain ethical hunting practices. Respect wildlife and their habitats by minimizing your impact on the ecosystem. Follow fair chase principles, ensuring a fair and respectful pursuit of game. Properly dispose of waste and adhere to all hunting regulations to preserve the natural resources for future generations.

Leave No Trace:

When hunting on public land, it is essential to leave the area as you found it. Pack out all your trash and litter, including spent cartridges and shells. Dispose of waste responsibly and minimize disturbance to the environment. By practicing Leave No Trace principles, you help protect the beauty and integrity of Utah's public lands.


Hunting on public land in Utah provides a thrilling and enriching experience for hunters. By following the best practices outlined in this guide, you can ensure a safe, responsible, and enjoyable hunting adventure. Remember to research, plan, and obtain the necessary licenses and permits, prioritize safety, and respect wildlife and their habitats. Find A Hunt wishes you a successful and memorable hunting trip in Utah's beautiful public lands.