Blog / Heralds of Spring: Turkey Tactics in Wisconsin

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

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As winter's chill begins to recede and the days grow longer, hunters in Wisconsin eagerly await the arrival of spring, heralded not just by blooming flowers and singing birds but also by the return of wild turkeys. These magnificent birds are a prized quarry for many hunters, and mastering turkey hunting tactics is essential for a successful spring hunt. In this article, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we'll explore some tried-and-true turkey hunting strategies for the Badger State.

Scouting: Know Your Terrain

One of the key elements of a successful turkey hunt in Wisconsin is scouting. Familiarizing yourself with the terrain, turkey roosting sites, feeding areas, and travel routes is crucial. Turkeys often move from their roosts to feeding areas in the early morning and return to their roosts in the evening. By understanding their habits and the lay of the land, you can position yourself strategically for an optimal hunting experience.

Choose the Right Gear

Selecting the right gear is essential for turkey hunting. Ensure that your shotgun is adequately choked for turkey loads, and choose quality ammunition. Camouflage clothing, including a facemask and gloves, is essential to blend into your surroundings. Additionally, calls and decoys are valuable tools for attracting turkeys, so invest in quality options to increase your chances of success.

Master Turkey Calling

Turkey calling is an art that requires practice and patience. Wisconsin hunters typically use a variety of turkey calls, including box calls, slate calls, diaphragm calls, and wingbone calls. Each type produces different sounds, mimicking the vocalizations of turkeys. Learning to use these calls effectively can help you lure gobblers into your hunting area.

Timing is Everything

Understanding the timing of the turkey hunting season in Wisconsin is crucial. Spring turkey hunting typically begins in late April and extends into May. During this period, male turkeys, or gobblers, are most active as they seek out hens for mating. Plan your hunting trips during this peak activity to increase your chances of encountering gobblers.

Be Patient and Persistent

Turkey hunting can be challenging, and success often requires patience and persistence. Turkeys have keen eyesight and can be skittish, so it's essential to remain still and quiet while waiting for your shot. If your initial efforts aren't successful, don't give up. Turkeys can be unpredictable, and persistence can pay off.

Safety First

Safety should always be a top priority when hunting. Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources provides detailed guidelines for safe hunting practices, including wearing blaze orange to remain visible to other hunters. Familiarize yourself with these regulations and follow them diligently to ensure a safe and enjoyable hunting experience.

Spring turkey hunting in Wisconsin offers hunters an exciting opportunity to test their skills and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. To make the most of this experience, remember to scout your hunting area, choose the right gear, master turkey calling, hunt during the peak of turkey activity, be patient and persistent, and, most importantly, prioritize safety.

Find A Hunt is here to help you plan your turkey hunting adventure in Wisconsin. Whether you're a novice or an experienced hunter, our platform can connect you with guides and hunting opportunities that align with your preferences and goals. Get ready to greet the heralds of spring and embark on an unforgettable turkey hunting journey in the Badger State.