Blog / Hog Hunting in Mississippi: A Guide to Tactics and Terrain

By Connor Thomas
Saturday, March 09, 2024

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  • Hog hunting in Mississippi offers enthusiasts a thrilling experience amidst diverse terrains and ample hunting opportunities. With its expansive forests, marshlands, and agricultural areas, Mississippi provides an ideal habitat for wild hogs. In this guide, we'll delve into effective tactics and the varied terrain that hunters can expect to encounter while pursuing these elusive creatures.

  • Tactics:

  • Scouting: Before embarking on a hog hunting expedition, scouting the area is essential. Look for signs such as rooting, tracks, and wallows, which indicate hog activity. Trail cameras can also be useful in identifying hog patterns and determining the best hunting spots.

  • Spot and Stalk: Utilize the spot and stalk method to cover ground and locate hogs. Move quietly through the terrain, using natural cover to remain undetected. Keep a keen eye out for movement or sound that may signal the presence of hogs.

  • Still Hunting: Alternatively, hunters can opt for still hunting by strategically positioning themselves in areas frequented by hogs. Set up near feeding areas, water sources, or travel routes, and exercise patience while waiting for hogs to appear.

  • Calling: Hog calling can be an effective technique for luring in these omnivores. Experiment with different calls such as grunts, squeals, or distressed pig sounds to attract curious or territorial hogs within range.

  • Terrain:

  • Forests and Woodlands: Mississippi's vast forests and woodlands provide ample cover for hogs, making them prime hunting grounds. Navigate through dense vegetation and keep an eye on open clearings or creek bottoms where hogs may forage.

  • Marshlands and Swamps: In the southern regions of Mississippi, marshlands and swamps offer unique hunting opportunities. Be prepared to navigate through wet and muddy terrain while keeping a lookout for hog signs along the water's edge.

  • Agricultural Areas: Hogs are attracted to agricultural areas due to the abundance of food sources such as crops and livestock feed. Seek permission from landowners to hunt in fields or pastures where hogs are known to cause damage.

  • Hog hunting in Mississippi presents a thrilling challenge for outdoor enthusiasts, requiring strategic tactics and an understanding of diverse terrain. Whether employing spot and stalk methods in the forest or setting up in agricultural fields, hunters can find success with patience and perseverance.

  • As you plan your next hog hunting adventure, consider exploring the hunting outfitters listed on Find A Hunt. With a curated selection of experienced guides and prime hunting locations across America, Find A Hunt is your go-to resource for an unforgettable hunting experience.

  • Ready to embark on your hog hunting journey? Explore the hunting outfitters listed on Find A Hunt and book your next adventure today! Visit to find the perfect hunt for you.