Blog / How to find a public hunting land near me

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

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Are you an enthusiastic hunter who is seeking a place to enjoy this outdoor activity near your home? Luckily, there are many public hunting lands available that can be found with a little effort. In this article, we will explore 6 tips that people use to find these hunting lands.

Observation is one of the methods that many people use to find public hunting lands near them. They visit popular hunting areas at peak times such as weekends and holidays to scout out potential sites.

The Google Maps app is another popular tool that people use to find public hunting lands. By selecting the satellite option and searching for your city and state, you can easily locate these lands by typing in keywords like "public land" or "public hunting land" in the search bar.

Facebook is another resource to find public hunting lands, as many groups dedicated to hunting public lands list these sites in their group names. Simply search for these groups and check the list of public lands they have listed.

Local land offices are a great source of information about public hunting lands in the area. By visiting the local land office, you can obtain a list of public hunting lands near you.

State land information websites offer information on the name, address, and contact information of landowners of all public hunting lands. This is useful if you wish to purchase a piece of land or seek permission to hunt on private lands.

Aerial maps and Google Maps satellite search are additional tools to find public hunting lands near you. Most public hunting lands are owned by the government and listed on aerial maps, which can be found online or in aerial map books. By using the magnifying glass option in Google Maps, you can locate these lands by typing in "public hunting land".

As more and more hunting families use technology to locate public lands, finding the perfect spot for your next outdoor adventure becomes easier. By using tools such as Google Maps, Facebook, local land offices, and state land information websites, you can find public hunting lands near you with ease.