Blog / How to get into competitive hunting

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, May 25, 2023

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Title: How to Get Into Competitive Hunting


Competitive hunting is a thrilling and challenging sport that allows hunters to showcase their skills and knowledge while competing against other hunters. If you're passionate about hunting and want to take your experience to the next level, getting into competitive hunting can provide a whole new level of excitement. In this article, we'll explore the steps you can take to embark on your journey into the world of competitive hunting, with the help of Find A Hunt, your trusted resource for hunting adventures.

Master Your Hunting Skills:

Before delving into competitive hunting, it's crucial to become proficient in the art of hunting itself. Spend ample time honing your skills and knowledge through regular hunting expeditions. Familiarize yourself with different hunting techniques, study animal behavior, and practice ethical hunting practices. By developing a strong foundation in hunting, you'll be better equipped to handle the challenges of competitive hunting.

Research Competitive Hunting Events:

To get started in competitive hunting, you need to be aware of the various events and competitions available. Research and identify competitions that align with your interests and skill level. Look for local, regional, or national events that cater to your preferred type of hunting, such as archery, rifle, or shotgun. Websites like Find A Hunt can provide comprehensive information about upcoming events and competitions in your area.

Network with Fellow Hunters:

Connecting with other hunters who are involved in competitive hunting can provide valuable insights and guidance. Attend hunting expos, seminars, and workshops where you can meet experienced hunters and competitors. Engage in conversations, ask questions, and seek advice from those who have already established themselves in the competitive hunting community. Joining online hunting forums and social media groups dedicated to hunting can also help you expand your network.

Train and Practice:

Competitive hunting demands a high level of skill and precision. Once you've identified the specific competition you want to participate in, it's essential to tailor your training accordingly. Work on improving your accuracy, speed, and endurance. Practice shooting from various positions, simulate hunting scenarios, and consider incorporating physical fitness exercises to enhance your performance in the field. Dedicate regular time to training and monitor your progress to fine-tune your abilities.

Understand the Rules and Regulations:

Each competitive hunting event has its own set of rules and regulations that must be followed. Familiarize yourself with these guidelines to ensure you compete fairly and safely. Pay attention to details such as scoring systems, target distances, permissible equipment, and any specific rules pertaining to hunting ethics and conduct. Understanding and adhering to the rules will ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience during competitions.

Participate in Local Competitions:

Start small by participating in local hunting competitions. These events provide an excellent platform to gain firsthand experience, learn from others, and gauge your skills against fellow competitors. Local competitions also serve as stepping stones towards larger regional and national events. Engaging in friendly competition will not only boost your confidence but also allow you to learn from your successes and failures.

Seek Sponsorship Opportunities:

Competitive hunting can be financially demanding, especially if you plan to participate in higher-level competitions. Seek sponsorship opportunities from local businesses or hunting gear manufacturers who may be interested in supporting aspiring hunters. Prepare a compelling sponsorship proposal highlighting your achievements, goals, and potential promotional opportunities for the sponsoring company. Remember, building relationships and establishing your reputation in the hunting community is crucial for securing sponsorships.


Competitive hunting offers a unique and exhilarating experience for passionate hunters looking to test their skills and compete against fellow enthusiasts. By mastering your hunting skills, researching events, networking with other hunters, training diligently, understanding the rules, participating in local competitions, and seeking sponsorships, you can pave your way into the world of competitive hunting. Remember to always prioritize