Blog / How to handle hunting emergencies in Colorado

By Connor Thomas
Monday, June 05, 2023

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Title: How to Handle Hunting Emergencies in Colorado: A Guide to Safety and Preparedness


Hunting in Colorado offers a thrilling and rewarding experience, but it also comes with inherent risks. While precautions and safety measures are essential, emergencies can still occur. Knowing how to handle hunting emergencies is crucial for ensuring the safety of both yourself and others in the field. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to help you prepare for and respond effectively to hunting emergencies in Colorado.

Prioritize Safety:

Before delving into emergency procedures, it is vital to emphasize the importance of prioritizing safety at all times. Start by familiarizing yourself with Colorado's hunting regulations and guidelines. Obtain the necessary licenses and permits, and always wear the appropriate safety gear, including blaze orange clothing for visibility.

Be Prepared:

Preparation is key to handling hunting emergencies effectively. Here are some essential steps to take before heading into the field:

a. Inform Others: Always let someone know your hunting plans, including the location and expected duration of your trip. Share this information with a family member, friend, or the local authorities. Establish a check-in schedule to ensure regular communication.

b. Map and Compass: Carry a detailed map and a compass to navigate unfamiliar terrains. Familiarize yourself with the area, landmarks, and potential hazards before your hunt.

c. First Aid Kit: Pack a well-equipped first aid kit tailored to hunting emergencies. Include items such as bandages, antiseptics, splints, pain relievers, emergency blankets, and a means to communicate with emergency services.

d. Survival Gear: Prepare a survival kit that includes essentials like water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, extra batteries, fire-starting tools, a multi-tool, a whistle, and a signaling device. These items can be invaluable in case of extended stays or unexpected emergencies.

Emergency Procedures:

In the event of a hunting emergency, remain calm and follow these guidelines:

a. Communication: If possible, use your cellphone to call for help. However, keep in mind that cell service can be limited or unavailable in remote areas. Consider carrying a satellite communication device or a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) as a backup.

b. Stay Put: If you become lost or injured, stay in one place to avoid further confusion or injury. Mark your location with bright tape or reflective materials to help rescuers find you more easily.

c. Medical Emergencies: If you or someone in your hunting party requires medical attention, assess the situation and administer first aid as necessary. In more severe cases, attempt to stabilize the injured person and wait for professional help.

d. Adverse Weather: Colorado's weather can change rapidly, so be prepared for extreme conditions. Seek shelter in case of heavy rain, snow, or lightning storms. Protect yourself from hypothermia by layering clothing and utilizing emergency blankets.

e. Animal Encounters: In encounters with wildlife, maintain a safe distance and avoid provoking or startling the animals. Familiarize yourself with best practices for dealing with encounters with bears, mountain lions, or other potentially dangerous species.


Hunting emergencies can happen unexpectedly, but with proper preparation and a calm response, you can mitigate risks and ensure your safety. Remember to prioritize safety at all times, communicate your plans, and carry essential equipment. By following the guidelines provided in this article, you'll be better prepared to handle hunting emergencies in Colorado and enjoy a safer and more enjoyable hunting experience. Happy hunting and stay safe!