Blog / How to Hunt Elk During the Rut: Tips and Techniques

By Connor Thomas
Monday, May 06, 2024

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The autumnal air carries a hint of excitement for hunters as elk enter their rutting season. It's a time when the forests resonate with the bugles of majestic bulls, and the landscape transforms into a battleground for dominance. For hunters, this is an unparalleled opportunity to engage in one of the most exhilarating pursuits – elk hunting during the rut. In this guide, we'll delve into effective strategies and techniques to enhance your chances of success during this prime hunting season.

Understanding the Rut:

The rut, or mating season, typically occurs from late August to early October, varying slightly depending on the region and local conditions. During this period, bull elk become intensely focused on breeding, making them more vocal, aggressive, and susceptible to calling techniques. Understanding the behaviors and rhythms of elk during the rut is crucial for devising a successful hunting strategy.


Before embarking on your hunting expedition, invest time in scouting the terrain. Look for signs of elk activity such as rutting scrapes, rubs on trees, and fresh droppings. Utilize trail cameras to monitor elk movements and identify high-traffic areas. By familiarizing yourself with the landscape and elk behavior, you can pinpoint optimal locations for setting up your hunt.

Mastering Elk Calls:

Mastering elk calls is a fundamental skill for rut hunting. Learn to imitate the various vocalizations of elk, including bugles, cow calls, and grunts. Effective calling can lure bulls into your vicinity, enticing them to investigate potential rivals or receptive cows. Experiment with different calls and tones to mimic the natural sounds of elk and evoke a response from nearby bulls.

Ambush Tactics:

During the rut, bulls are preoccupied with asserting dominance and pursuing potential mates, making them more vulnerable to ambush tactics. Identify strategic ambush sites near bedding areas, wallows, or travel corridors frequented by elk. Set up well-concealed blinds or tree stands overlooking these locations, ensuring optimal visibility and shooting lanes. Exercise patience and remain vigilant, as elk may appear suddenly and without warning.


Timing is critical when hunting elk during the rut. Bulls are most active during the early morning and late evening hours, engaging in intense rutting behavior. Plan your hunts accordingly, focusing your efforts during these peak activity periods. Additionally, consider moon phases and weather conditions, as they can influence elk movement and behavior.

Hunting elk during the rut offers a thrilling and rewarding experience for avid hunters. By employing effective strategies such as scouting, mastering elk calls, utilizing ambush tactics, and timing your hunts strategically, you can increase your chances of success in pursuing these majestic creatures. Remember to prioritize safety, ethical hunting practices, and respect for the natural environment throughout your hunting endeavors.

Ready to embark on your elk hunting adventure? Visit Find A Hunt to explore a curated selection of hunting outfitters across America. Whether you're seeking a guided hunt in the Rocky Mountains or the vast wilderness of the Pacific Northwest, Find A Hunt connects you with reputable outfitters offering unparalleled hunting experiences. Plan your next hunt with confidence and discover the thrill of elk hunting during the rut. Visit Find A Hunt today!

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