Blog / How to hunt pronghorn in Wyoming

By Connor Thomas
Monday, June 05, 2023

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Title: Mastering the Art of Pronghorn Hunting in Wyoming


Wyoming's vast landscapes and diverse wildlife make it an ideal destination for hunting enthusiasts. Among its impressive game species, pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) stands out as a thrilling and challenging pursuit. Known for their remarkable speed and acute senses, hunting pronghorn requires careful planning, strategic execution, and a deep understanding of their behavior. In this guide, we will delve into the essential tips and techniques to help you successfully hunt pronghorn in the breathtaking wilderness of Wyoming.

Research and Scout:

Before embarking on your pronghorn hunting adventure, thorough research is crucial. Familiarize yourself with Wyoming's hunting regulations, seasons, and any specific unit restrictions. Acquiring maps, satellite imagery, and topographical data will assist you in identifying potential hunting areas.

Scouting the terrain in advance is equally important. Pronghorn prefer open spaces, such as sagebrush flats and grasslands. Look for water sources, feeding areas, bedding sites, and migration routes to increase your chances of encountering these majestic animals.

Gear and Equipment:

To maximize your chances of success, ensure that you have the appropriate gear and equipment for pronghorn hunting. Start with a reliable and accurate rifle chambered in a suitable caliber such as .243 Winchester or .270 Winchester. Familiarize yourself with your weapon and practice shooting from various positions and distances.

Optics are crucial for spotting pronghorn in the vast Wyoming landscapes. Invest in high-quality binoculars and a spotting scope with excellent magnification to help you identify animals from a distance.

Camouflage clothing that matches the terrain, a sturdy backpack, a comfortable pair of boots, and a good set of calls (such as bleat calls or antelope grunts) should also be part of your hunting gear arsenal.

Learn Pronghorn Behavior:

Understanding pronghorn behavior is key to a successful hunt. Pronghorn have exceptional eyesight and can detect movement from long distances. Consequently, stalking them requires patience, stealth, and careful planning. Avoid skyline positions, as pronghorn can easily spot silhouettes against the horizon.

Pronghorn are often found in small herds, so observing their movement patterns can be beneficial. During the rut (mating season), bucks become more aggressive and territorial, making them more responsive to decoys or calls. Learning their vocalizations and posturing can help you effectively communicate and attract them.

Hunt Strategically:

When hunting pronghorn in Wyoming, a well-thought-out strategy is crucial. Begin by glassing the landscape from elevated positions such as hills or ridges. Use your optics to scan for pronghorn movement, focusing on the edges of open fields, fence lines, and vegetation transitions.

Once you locate a suitable herd or individual animal, plan your approach. Use natural features like hills, ravines, and vegetation to remain concealed and close the distance. Patience and slow, deliberate movements are key to stalking pronghorn effectively.

Shot Placement and Ethical Hunting:

Practicing ethical hunting is paramount when pursuing pronghorn. Ensure you have a clear and ethical shot before pulling the trigger. Pronghorn vitals are located low in the chest, slightly forward, and closer to the shoulder. Aim for the heart-lung area to ensure a quick and humane kill.

Safety Considerations:

Wyoming's rugged landscapes can pose risks, so prioritize safety throughout your hunting trip. Always inform someone about your hunting plans, carry essential survival gear, and be mindful of weather conditions. Additionally, know the boundaries of private and public land to avoid trespassing.


Pronghorn hunting in Wyoming offers an e