Blog / How to Process Your Own Deer: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Connor Thomas
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

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Hunting is not just about the thrill of the chase; it's also about the rewarding experience of harvesting your own game and providing food for your family. If you're a passionate hunter, one of the essential skills you should master is processing your own deer. In this step-by-step guide, brought to you by Find A Hunt, we'll walk you through the process of turning your deer into delicious, ready-to-cook cuts of meat.

Step 1: Gather Your Tools and Supplies

Before you start processing your deer, it's crucial to have the right tools and supplies on hand. Here's a list of items you'll need:

Sharp knives (boning knife, skinning knife, and a saw for cutting through bone)

Cutting board

Meat grinder (optional)

Freezer paper and plastic wrap

Ziplock bags or a vacuum sealer

Butcher's twine

Gloves for sanitation

Step 2: Field Dressing the Deer

After a successful hunt, the first step is field dressing your deer. This involves removing the internal organs to cool the meat and prevent spoilage. Here's how to do it:

Lay the deer on its back.

Make an incision from the chest to the pelvis, being careful not to puncture the stomach or intestines.

Gently remove the organs, taking care not to cut into the bladder or intestines.

Once the deer is field dressed, it's time to transport it to a cool place as soon as possible.

Step 3: Skinning the Deer

With the deer field dressed, the next step is to skin it. Skinning is a critical step to prepare the meat for further processing.

Hang the deer by its hind legs or place it on a stable surface.

Make a small incision in the skin at the base of the hind legs.

Carefully peel the skin away, working your way up towards the head.

Use your skinning knife to remove any remaining hide and membrane.

Step 4: Quartering the Deer

Once the deer is skinned, it's time to quarter it. This involves dividing the deer into manageable sections for easier handling and processing.

Use your saw to cut through the pelvis and separate the hindquarters from the rest of the body.

Remove the front legs and separate them from the ribcage.

Cut the ribcage into two halves.

You can further divide these sections into smaller cuts like roasts, steaks, and stew meat.

Step 5: Deboning and Cutting

Now that your deer is quartered, you can debone the meat and cut it into the desired portions.

Start by removing bones from the hindquarters and front legs.

Trim off excess fat and connective tissue.

Cut the meat into steaks, roasts, and stew meat according to your preferences.

Step 6: Packaging and Freezing

To ensure your deer meat stays fresh, it's essential to package it properly for freezing.

Wrap each portion in plastic wrap or freezer paper.

Place the wrapped portions in Ziplock bags or vacuum-sealed bags.

Label each package with the date and type of meat.

Store the meat in a freezer set at 0°F (-18°C) or lower.

Processing your own deer is a rewarding and cost-effective way to enjoy your hunting harvest throughout the year. With the right tools, knowledge, and a little practice, you can transform your deer into delicious meals for your family and friends. Remember, Find A Hunt is here to support you in your hunting journey, providing valuable tips and resources to enhance your outdoor experience. Happy hunting and happy processing!