Blog / How to turkey hunt

By Connor Thomas
Thursday, March 16, 2023

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Engaging in the activity of turkey hunting is an incredibly stimulating and invigorating outdoor pursuit, and its mastery necessitates an impeccable level of skill, tremendous patience, and a keen understanding of the nuances and complexities of turkey behavior. Regardless of whether you are an experienced hunter or an uninitiated neophyte to this adrenaline-pumping sport, the following tips and techniques will be instrumental in helping you elevate your turkey hunting game to a level of unmatched proficiency and finesse.

Undertake Research and Scout the Area

Before you embark on your turkey hunting adventure, it is imperative that you engage in meticulous research and scout out the area in which you plan to hunt. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the terrain, you can utilize a map or GPS, while simultaneously keeping an eye out for likely turkey habitats such as open fields, woodlands, and meadows. In addition, you should endeavor to pinpoint the specific roosting areas where the turkeys tend to spend their nights, and locate the feeding and watering areas that they frequent during the day.

Engage in Practice Calling

Mastery of turkey calling is a fundamental aspect of turkey hunting, and its attainment requires a significant amount of time and practice. It is essential that you invest in top-quality turkey calls and spend ample time honing your skills until you can produce highly realistic turkey sounds, such as clucks, yelps, purrs, and gobbles. To augment the efficacy of your calling, you may also incorporate turkey decoys into your strategy to attract the birds.

Equip Yourself Appropriately for Success

Turkeys possess an astoundingly sharp eyesight and excellent hearing capabilities, which makes it crucial that you dress in the appropriate clothing and gear that will enable you to blend in seamlessly with your surroundings and remain hidden from sight. You should don camouflaged clothing that seamlessly matches the terrain, and employ a face mask or face paint to conceal any exposed skin. Furthermore, you ought to utilize a turkey vest or pack to carry your equipment and gear, and don comfortable, waterproof boots that allow for noiseless movement through the woods.

Establish a Well-Positioned Blind or Hide

A strategically positioned turkey blind or hide can mean the difference between success and failure in your hunting pursuits. You should seek out a spot that affords you an excellent vantage point of the surrounding area while offering natural cover such as bushes or trees. It is advisable that you set up your blind or hide before dawn and ensure that you are well-hidden and comfortable. To ensure optimal concealment, you can utilize natural materials such as leaves or branches to camouflage your blind or hide, and remain as still and noiseless as possible.

Practice Patience and Persistence

Successful turkey hunting is predicated on a significant degree of patience and persistence, as it can take several hours or even days to spot a turkey and execute a successful shot. It is imperative that you do not become discouraged if you do not see any turkeys in your initial hunting forays, and be willing to adapt your hunting strategies if necessary. You should remain alert and focused, avoiding any sudden movements or noises that may scare away the birds.

Adhere to Safety Rules

Turkey hunting can pose a significant danger if the necessary safety rules and guidelines are not observed meticulously. It is critical that you wear brightly colored clothing such as orange or red to ensure that other hunters can spot you easily, and never shoot at any sound or movement without accurately identifying your target. Additionally, it is essential that you avoid stalking turkeys or calling from a concealed position, as this can result in accidents or misinterpretations.