Blog / Hunting for Black Bears: Early vs. Late Season Tactics

By Connor Thomas
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

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Black bear hunting offers a thrilling challenge for hunters, and understanding the nuances between early and late season tactics can greatly enhance your chances of success. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or new to the sport, mastering these strategies can make all the difference in your next hunting expedition.

Early Season Tactics:

Early season bear hunting typically occurs in late spring or early summer when bears are emerging from hibernation. During this time, bears are voraciously feeding to replenish lost fat reserves and nourish their bodies after months of dormancy. Here are some tactics to consider during the early season:

Scouting: Utilize scouting techniques to locate active feeding areas, such as berry patches or newly sprouted vegetation. Look for fresh tracks, scat, and other signs of bear activity.

Spot and Stalk: Take advantage of the bears' predictable feeding patterns by employing spot-and-stalk tactics. Use optics to scan open areas from vantage points, then move in quietly for a shot opportunity.

Calling: Early season can be prime time for using predator calls to lure in curious bears. Experiment with various calls, such as distress calls or mating calls, to attract bears within shooting range.

Ambush Hunting: Set up ambush sites near known feeding areas or along travel corridors frequented by bears. Conceal yourself effectively and patiently wait for a bear to appear within range.

Late Season Tactics:

As the season progresses into late summer and early fall, bears shift their focus from feeding to fattening up for winter. During this time, hunting tactics may need to be adjusted accordingly:

Focus on Food Sources: Late season bears will be targeting high-calorie foods like nuts, fruits, and grains in preparation for hibernation. Concentrate your efforts around these food sources for increased success.

Glassing: Employ glassing techniques to locate bears from a distance, especially in open terrain. Spend time scanning hillsides, clearings, and meadows for feeding activity or movement.

Baiting: In areas where legal, baiting can be an effective late season tactic for enticing bears into close range. Use natural food sources or commercially available baits to lure bears to your hunting site.

Tracking: Late season hunting may require more tracking skills as bears become more elusive and cover greater distances in search of food. Look for fresh tracks, scat, and other signs to determine recent bear activity.

Whether you prefer the early season excitement of spotting and stalking or the late season challenge of tracking and baiting, understanding the differences between early and late season tactics is essential for successful black bear hunting. By adapting your strategies to match the bears' behavior and seasonal patterns, you can maximize your chances of a memorable hunting experience.

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